Monday, October 14, 2024

Progress 14.10.2024 and Changelog for ToaM 0.25.0

Hello all!

So today it's a combination post of progress post and change log. And first we tackle the changelog bits since that's what most people are probably waiting for.

Changelog: Tribulations of a Mage 0.25.0

  • 324 renders (there are more, but I won't count the duplicates for the enhanced visibility)

  • Implemented the next part of the story

  • Updated the codex, should be up to date for now.

  • 1 hidden image

  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Orion, Oaiki, Abs, Obe, Merlin, Gambit, DavidCF, DocWhoJ, MG, Eddie, Horny Toad)

Release schedule:

  •     $15 Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.

  •     $10 Tier: 16th of October

  •     $5 Tier: 17th of October

  •     $3 Tier: 18th of October

  •     Public: 28th of October


  • 7C21E56C5DA94C242B0DE9B6443AD764392BD956EE78E97B1757B7A40963C52D

  • 80FC1990F914CBFDAA186B14F161C8F3FF8AA722ABFE39A56FA100D130DACD6B

  • 157E30E913B442E6B361F9292C8FFA929318B8F6AAA753BADE7B1BCEBD506B59

  • 85F9418683F227D360A091690D20EA00F1AEBA6110F550657EDAC04CEB0EB41A


  • CF6C55CA603DF107D9369185510BF10D47B4A86AFC7ADC8CEEA80B241F1D1D2B

  • 60F508FE7C635B72684C6A3BF52E9DCD6F33104BD16853DF3DA10AE9B592B01F com.talothral.toam-release.apk

  • 7997888D41AE5EAA68C89F3A7A6AF929827A7644DAA0E8D9DC607589F0E3D29C com.talothral.toam-release.apk (WT)

And now that is done, the progress. I started rendering the 0.26.0 so there is that. Writing? Ehhh... I need to add something to the 0.29.0, it isn't much but it just lacks that something. But it isn't long segment so I'll start writing 0.30.0 tonight as well.

Then a small preview, the "main event" is over and we return to rest of the group. Sans two persons, both have good reasons not to be there. Also while I remember, the plot thread that was opened during these three updates (0.24.0, 0.25.0, and 0.26.0) will be returned on later updates as the... situation isn't at it's boiling point yet, well, to a point. However, I should warn that there has been choices made that will affect things. Whether it is positive or negative consequences remains to be seen...

Anyway, time to finish up the release post. I'll be back... soon...

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Public Release: Tribulations of a Mage 0.24.0

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So, as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord if possible. That way, I notice them quicker.


PC Compressed


MAC Compressed

Update only

Update only compressed


Android WT

Friday, October 11, 2024

Progress 11.10.2024

Hello all!

I feel sleepy... So what's up? 0.25.0 was handed to testing and proofreading, and that's about it really. Outside of that todays is mostly Codex work. Wasn't able to updated it for 0.23.0 or 0.24.0 simply because they took longer to render than I anticipated. Not entirely sure how large the update to the codex is at the moment as doing some portrait renders and it gets murky with constant stream of loading characters. That and I had already some of them done.

Beyond that I'll write the weekend and then start rendering the next part on Monday.

And so, I've used all the images that aren't large spoilers... So something else then. Sorry about the dark image, but it's something I wanted to try out. Certain lines are clear, first north, then back to empire (this is already known in the public build so no spoilers there) and then we deal with the dwarf issue. And then what? There are always three or four different directions things can go in my mind. There are ultimately two things that determine it: assets, and does it make sense of storytelling wise? Underwater assets are unfortunately lacking in that regard. Can I make things? Yes, to a point, there are a limited number of things that can be used, but how to make the fit together can be a different thing. So will we go to underwater places? Not right now. What made most sense directed the writing to elsewhere in the world. And these renders are part of me trying to figure out what makes sense, both asset and story wise. That and there are no zombie fish models. Go figure... Although... At times it is smart to say things out loud, you do get ideas that way...

Anyway, have a great weekend you all, and I'll see you on Monday!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Progress: 07.10.2024


Hello all!

One of those days when Daz is being a pain in the backside. Eh, it is what it is. Anyway. So rendering is in okay state, let's put it this way. Two scenes left of this update and probably four to five days to render those two scenes, thanks to the fox tails. Note to self, max three tails, ever. Stuff of nightmares about that. But as usual, it will be done.

Writing is in good shape, where I should be really. Amusingly, I aim at a minimum of twenty pages; I think there has been only one update that has had only twenty pages of text. Beyond that, it's usually around 24 or 25 pages. Not that it matters much.

And a small preview, and just before going to the throne room. As a reminder, this day has two parts, the first half is in this update, the second is in the next. There are some interesting statements said during this one, but there won't be an annoying cliffhanger... well, at least not the usual kind between them.

And that's it for today, short break and back to rendering I shall go!

Friday, October 4, 2024

PRogress 04.10.2024


Hello all!

Interesting day. Render count wise, I'm a day ahead where I should be. In relation to the script? No where near it. Luckily, most of the scenes are simple and shouldn't take long to render as is. Except the two final ones... But it was written thus it shall be made. Again, this might be a day or two later than usual, I hope not, but I have my suspicion when it comes to having those foxes in the scene... Eh, it is a bridge I cross when it comes.

Writing is going on with 0.29.0 just need to tie some things together at the tower and then can start moving towards the next adventure, and one more step closer to reclaiming what was lost, well stolen.

And an actual preview! Building lighting for this was interesting. The skin on Eirlys is particularly interesting. Quite difficult to light up in shadows, but despite of that. I'm happy. The scene is supposed to set somewhere early morning, during that moment when the light has this golden hue. I kind of liked it.

And then a bonus render. This actually a test for the environment for update 0.28.0, I wanted to see would a scene I wrote be feasible to do. It's going to be tough but doable. And no the giant spider isn't involved. Unless I decide to change the scene at the last minute. Which wouldn't by anything new either.

Anyway, that's it for today. Have a great weekend you all, and I'll see you on Monday with yet another progress post.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Changelog: Tribulations of a Mage 0.24.0


  • 385 renders (there are more, but I won't count the duplicates for the enhanced visibility)

  • Implemented the next part of the story

  • 1 hidden image

  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Orion, Oaiki, Abs, Merlin, Gambit, DavidCF, MurderHobo, Horny Toad)

Well, it's done, uploaded and all that stuff. Forgot to send the files to Shaddy earlier, but sent them today. So might be a moment or two before the mod is updated. Anyway...

Release schedule:

    $15 Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.

    $10 Tier: 3rd of October

    $5 Tier: 4th of October

    $3 Tier: 5th of October

    Public: 14th of October

Checksums SHA256:


  • 5B5A6B8ED5AB376E97FF5EFBB960737BFFE23B0D9D9DD430A7F0B1E5B63C196E

  • 011EC3BC8A97871727AF47D955BAF832B192364E3B7E03B4EBCBD93AC29BB407

  • 01F33CE4A3BC78DEBB95FE6424D8217AB00A269474E9B7F0E4C93E478D9364A9

  • AE8FBB86AFF5B4E0AF7989B4E2B3A0DDE1E62187B48D14B3FBA625F019DBBCA7

  • FF7A5F3098ECBF1182FEA35B0ADA83DA7A434840F0B39BBE72870A7D42EDF3C9

  • 7461A44675CEF5C99DB19E348200AF2F5C3E2153362E6855F38A95FE7611E874

  • 0F17E63B0175E1F548015CED79034CFC7B4067B064BE2422934C4CA6AD848A29 com.talothral.toam-release.apk

  • 0C8C46969469939339DCE743DEB707F4222A62391FBE88B54E7AC41A5DDC5AFB com.talothral.toam-release.apk (WT)

Monday, September 30, 2024

Progress 30.09.2024

Hello all!

Not really the post I wanted to make, but have to make it. 0.24.0 is uploading at the moment so it is done, but now is the uploading. I wanted to release it today but I got to hand it over to testing late Saturday/early Sunday. It is what it is. I'm slightly hesitant saying when the release cycle starts, other than soon. But a couple of small things I should mention, first check your sound levels. Especially if you are using headphones. Secondly... there are conditional choices in this update, so you might get only one or two depending on the choices made in the past. And one of the choices seems pointless right now, but everything has a plan... unless they change which can happen but still it will have a point... somehow. Anyway. Hopefully all of it has been uploaded tomorrow so can start releasing it relatively on time.

But beyond that, started rendering 0.25.0. So it isn't like the small "delay" changes much with the process as is.

Writing, I need to reread through 0.28.0 since there was a part I wasn't exactly happy with. It might put me a bit behind but it just means I need to write some more, it will be fine. It isn't a long section I need to revise. I'll probably start 0.29.0 on Tuesday, maybe Wednesday.

So... in spirit of keeping spoiler free (and within public post guidelines) a daily motivational render. In fantasy meteoric iron has always been this highly sought "magical" metal, that isn't mithril, the line of thought was what if it attracted something more than other adventurers seeking to claim it... That and I haven't really done this kind of render in a while. So a good change, and unsurprisingly it helped to clarify a few plans I've had. Plans that didn't have anything to do with the image and it's subject.

Progress 14.10.2024 and Changelog for ToaM 0.25.0

Hello all! So today it's a combination post of progress post and change log. And first we tackle the changelog bits since that's wha...