Monday, March 3, 2025

Progress 03.03.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.35.0

Hello all!

Ugh... way too early for the brain to function normally. Anyway, as you can see release day... yay.

But beyond that, I started rendering 0.36.0, right with set building. There is a couple sets that needs to built but that's nothing new. So it's going on, there shouldn't be nothing drastic as is, but unexpected things can happen.

And writing of 0.40.0 has started. Granted, it is like two lines, but I started it last night before I decided to that I needed a break. Which did good, so I'll continue it later tonight. Once I wake up that is. So all is good on that front as well. Then to avoid major spoilers, one of the motivational renders ahead.

I enjoy set building. Sure there are annoying things about it, but that's mostly Daz being clunky occasionally. But when things falls into place you can do interesting things with it, and it doesn't take much to change the original something that has never seen before. The original set didn't have the waterfall and the pine trees... or the vines. Replacing the original palm trees with them changed the set from something you see in the south to something more northern. Next step would be add some snow and bit of steam rising from the waterfall. Might do that actually when I get the time. Also of note, some of the things I build and "test" during this time is for the future so who knows when and where the set appears... And then the important stuff.

Changelog: ToaM 0.35.0

  • 297 renders

  • Implemented the next part of the story

  • 1 hidden image

  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Oaiki, Horny Toad, DocWhoJ, Orion, DavidCF, Draco, OBE, Lt_Walke)

Release schedule:

  •     $15 Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.

  •     $10 Tier: 5th of March

  •     $5 Tier: 6th of March

  •     $3 Tier: 7th of March

  •     Public: 17th of March

Checksums SHA256:

  • CE274019FA322B80F90F86C0563AB51ED34285BEDCE1564E1B13A4D72FF71F39

  • B0B2E87C21F5785D32A1B7873B8EC9E1E5577B4B6D19FCD7720ABEFE1DE8407B

  • 531C4A9A75CD98C7975BC19B2C73A2F8A94CCB4461AE40AD91A481CA59BAAF4C

  • 36B50DA2845921B3303F87F145C577EA94E330D923054A5F69F8417BD50231A6

  • 7EAE06F9CC07DB3253CB5E5FE68C6F5535610075AC23A9D9B2182DE512BAF5CE

  • 337A1F5EF4A9B6DD8DF5D196D6FE2BA21D74A501CCE353DE9FFE8DAA56923484

  • 8E0C71369B7FE4FDCD02A4DA4BB5E01938BDBF9A5A1351F065947D826A0C06FD

  • 536EC39A46B04FE4F4F8BDA7FE97D3D462925606C7356FF276D66239F599C179
    com.talothral.toam-release.apk (WT)

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Public Release: Tribulations of a Mage 0.34.0

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So, as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord if possible. That way, I notice them quicker.

Grammar fixes etc... nothing game breaking as far as I know. And yes, I’m aware of the codex being derpy. Blame Kharmek for it.


PC Compressed


MAC Compressed

Update only

Update only compresseda51b5f1742f118ca53df4e9925417d4f97b963b69b69e0e036a1600cec2e35af


Android WT

Friday, February 28, 2025

Progress 28.02.2025


Hello all!

So what's up? To my surprise the update is done. Sent it to be tested and all that. I honestly thought it would take longer than it did. So there is the good news... and now the other news.

And that means I'll write the weekend, not that much to write in all honesty, just 8ish pages to get the "minimum" I want, will probably be more. Then I'll start rendering the update 0.36.0 on Monday...

Other than that, I'll try to go through the remaining images so I can do the slightly more compressed version of the game. All the potential fixes in the images should be there, but there might a few that I've forgot to copy to the backup files. The problem is that I've gone through the images so many times now that I just can't spot any issues as is anymore. I'll probably make a channel on discord so people can put up any mistakes that I missed. There isn't many left but it is mind numbing to go through 10k+ images and trying to spot all the possible problems that were fixed once already... Anyway, since we are close to release and somewhat spoiler stuff left... no preview but a motivational renders. And while I remember, secret images:

41: Chosen

42: Guidance

Those are the titles for them. Both are a sort of self explanatory ones, I think anyway, but I know everything regarding the world and the story so I'm biased.

Rielle finds her treasure, or second treasure kind of. It's always fun to do something different, been doing several fight scenes for this update so wanted something more peaceful... at least for one image. And that being said, I did make a note about this environment and scene to be used later, just not sure where... Anyway. Have a great weekend you all!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Progress 24.02.2025

Hello all!

Let's cut to the chase. Rendering is in an okay state, I have threeish scenes to render and one set to build. So I'm roughly halfway through the update script. Eh.... it's okay place to be right now. And to make things go faster I'll do post work, at least some, while rendering. Some stuff just requires a bit more concentration as what needs to be fixed isn't the easiest thing to fix and redoing the renders would take longer than the post work fix. Go figure.

Writing. This is where it should be as well, it's writing it's easy, it's always been. Timing plays havoc with things, so I've had to shuffle things around for a bit, things that I want to happen in this bit will need to happen in another. And there are a two characters I'm not entirely sure how I should handle them, yet. Partially because the writing is heading towards the end of things. There is always some "in hindsight could have been done better" moments, but... those happen, no point fretting over them... On second thought, I do know, just got the idea for them. Anyway...

This scene... there are two variants of this. One where everything seems to be alright, and one where things aren't going to end happily most likely. You can clearly tell which is which from the dialogue and length of things. That is one of the things that has "slowing" me down with these updates. There are variants that most won't see, but the option is there so it needs to be rendered. Fun stuff.

And this as a bonus. Yeah, it isn't really time for the Sorcerer renders as is, just something needed to be made for the environment. And for some reason it screamed for these characters. One of those things. Right, so time for my break... and then more renders!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Progress 21.02.2025

Hello all!

So... rendering. I'm behind from where I want to be, but unfortunately with the set building that is unavoidable. So right now I'm not entirely certain if I can keep the usual schedule up for this update. On positives, the render times are relatively fast so, I might be able to catch up. But I expect it to take a few days longer than usual. Remains to be seen.

Writing, on the other hand, is in decent shape. I'm about half a page where I would want to be, so that's good overall. But writing is always the easy part, and I have a buffer, so it isn't that bad.

I was struggling a bit with what I would show here. At the same time, everything is kind of a spoiler, but also something that you know is going to happen anyway. But anyway. Magical figthts are kind of annoying to do, they can be flashy but at the same time rather dull since ultimately it is just two mages hurling spells and waiting the other to make a mistake. I can make it somewhat different by making both of the combatants to be slightly more aggressive, which I think the situation does warrant to a point. Anyway, will be interesting. And yes, he has a crown, and no it isn't that important. Anyway, luckily there is only one fight scene after this in this update... and if that is seen then things aren't going that well. Right... small break and back to rendering. You all have a great weekend!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

Hello all!

Amusing, no matter how much you prepare ahead of time, something always goes wrong. Meh... that's life. Anyway. So what's up? Well obviously it is a release day so, there is that.

I started rendering of 0.35.0... It's going to be an interesting one. Some variants to do, but shouldn't affect things too much. A few fight scenes. Which is going to be interesting to do.

Then writing? I'll start writing for 39 today, I hope. Mostly because I'm not so sure how the rendering goes, but no later than tomorrow. It still amused me how at the start of the writing process for each chapter, I have a plan for how it is going to go. But always during the writing, something comes up, something that is better than the original plan. So instead of two pages that I needed, I wrote eight last night.

And a preview, not something else like I thought. No spoilers in this, just Tomas, Maevra, and passed out dwarf... You know, the usual calm before the storm and things. I like making the dwarf city. Even though there isn't much variation inside of it, it is still fairly unique in most aspects. Still, lots to build, so have to see what I can pull off with what is existing... Anyway to the changelog.

Changelog: ToaM 0.34.0

  • 320 renders

  • Implemented the next part of the story

  • Updated the codex

  • 1 hidden image

  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Oaiki, Horny Toad, DocWhoJ, Orion)

Note: The new image compression isn't with this build, there is 10k images to go through in total, and about half of them left to go still. I'll try to get it done within the next couple updates.

Release schedule:

  •     $15 Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.

  •     $10 Tier: 19th of February

  •     $5 Tier: 20th of February

  •     $3 Tier: 21st of February

  •     Public: 3rd of March

Checksums SHA256:

  • 0f9df0ba90f14b7481a3e185926c4a0af540c5d118d1fd68133d91cb21cd8ab9

  • fa7aeefe3c3355cde7b9865faa65979ab874bfe85b3ffaf93354b50b0f7fa9b9

  • 29cf384447a80d94d86e5039939672bc8134fe0571220dddf870d3cbd43e7337

  • bd2d4b2d15ea88c826b53ac7310dc3e95fa4835cb3bb55d9a286a91ea2da9f7

  • e5850ffac4f9eb37a39a38a9b510f793a2f6daad6b22ce84e50d0776dd79b0f2

  • a51b5f1742f118ca53df4e9925417d4f97b963b69b69e0e036a1600cec2e35af

  • 6f018ef8494c70cc77f966fca583800427e42ea0a1554d7984e66478ee71ae3c

  • 6b20db0ce4ccf195f301d86a0f2fbc27a485f9cce25096e245518d7be7674e2f
    com.talothral.toam-release.apk (WT)

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Public Release: Tribulations of a Mage 0.33.0

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So, as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord if possible. That way, I notice them quicker.

Somewhat optional patch. Grammar fixes and cosmetic stuff again.

Tribulations of a Mage 0.33.0


PC Compressed


MAC Compressed

Update only

Update only compressed


Android WT

Progress 03.03.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.35.0

Hello all! Ugh... way too early for the brain to function normally. Anyway, as you can see release day... yay. But beyond that, I started re...