Monday, January 29, 2024

Progress: 29.01.2024

Hello all!

Monday... yay. Let's do some rendering talk first. Two and a half scenes left to render. About, so it has been going well. Again, render count isn't huge but there is no fighting in this one, there is some in updates 8 and 9 so there it will be larger again. Still, I'm happy with it, mostly. Render times are a bit high for some reason but it isn't too drastic.

Now writing, I said it on Friday, all it takes is one good weekend of writing and I'm where I should be. And I am exactly where I'm supposed to be at this time of rendering, perhaps a bit ahead. Although, considering one "small" side step, I probably need to write a few more pages to get the length I want. Eh... I'll worry about that then.

Man and his panther... again. Tomas and Nisha are easy to render together, and at times you can get quite nice renders of the two.

And as a bonus... this. You've seen the building a couple of times before. I've looked for the environment for it for a long time. Sure it has fit in many places, but until now? It's one of those things you know, that particular temple screams of being on a mountaintop, surrounded by clouds. And this turned out to be better than I expect in all honesty. Needs a couple of tweaks but I like it.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Progress 26.01.2024

Hello everyone!

Rendering is going smoothly and I'm happy how it is going, so not much to say about that. There is a bit set building in the second half of it but that's nothing new.

Writing has been meh this week, but nothing I can't fix over the weekend when there shouldn't be too many distractions during the day. But it isn't something I'm worried as is. It could be better, but it could be worse.

Yay, new stuff. Nothing that would spoil 0.6.0 content for those who haven't had the chance to play it yet. Well, not really a spoiler of anything. Just visiting a dungeon? Why? Well, the reason has to wait...

So the poll. It went as I expected. But even those individual votes for the other options were as important. My mind works strangely at times, and looking at those 22 other votes has given me ideas how to build scenes regarding the nagas. So those who voted something else, it wasn't in vain as at times little things help to shape how things flow.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Changelog: Tribulations of a Mage 0.6.0

 Changelog: Tribulations of a Mage 0.6.0

- 287 renders
- Implemented the next part of the story
- 1 Hidden image
- Codex update (Gods, added missing side characters, more to come.)
- Added third font as UI font (Ren'py default font)
- Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, ElectroKnight22, and Orion)

This one isn't that huge render wise, text wise depending on the choices. It's about the same as other updates. Anyway, was relatively painless update to make.

Release schedule:
$15 (VIP) Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.
$10 (Magician) Tier: 25th of January
$5 (Journeyman) Tier: 26th of January
$3 (Apprentice) Tier: 27th of January
Public: 5th of February

Monday, January 22, 2024

Progress 22.01.2024


I started uploading the 0.6.0. The release cycle starts once it's uploaded. So, yay?

And then the rendering of 0.7.0 started as well. Can't really say much about it as doing all those little things in prep for launch at the same time, but outside of those interruptions it's going fine.

As for writing, 10 is wrapped up, just need to run through it and couple other for consistency and I'll start update 11 tomorrow. And that's about it.

Oh boy, these three. While I was making the Friday's render, I hit an issue with the two, but I thought solved it... then came Sunday and the third naga. Now I'm facing a slightly annoying issue. That... I'll leave you guys to solve. Once I free the renderer I'll do a couple more images and a poll. Now that poll, ultimately it won't have a huge impact on things since it is just writing and adjusting a thing or two from the original Friday's plan, but I'd like to hear the opinion. So probably tomorrow I'll make the poll and let it run until Friday or so. Yeah, going to be one of those weeks when there are tons of notifications about things. Anyway, back to work.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Progress 19.01.2024


Annoyingly, I'm a bit late. I was feeling a bit under the weather on Tuesday and Wednesday, but that being said, update 0.6.0 has been rendered. And yes, I'm feeling fine now, I think. Tea helps. Anyway. So I'll code and do the post-work today and get the test build out. Then I'll write and code some additional things the remaining weekend and start rendering update 0.7.0 on Monday.

Well, that was short and sweet. 

And I'm slightly frustrated. Sleeping has been spotty, thanks to not feeling well, and it makes my mind blurry. But that being said... A concept piece, fresh out of the renderer. Anyway. Mountain trolls are dangerous. They are up to three times the size of the other trolls, their skin resembles stone, and they have the same regenerative ability as those who dwell on swamps and other darker places. I have to admit; I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the clothes the Nagas are wearing. I love what they look, but there are just too many pieces that you need to pose in separate, and it becomes a hassle when doing multiple renders. But, I'll think of something. And amusingly enough, this gave me an idea...

Anyway, short break and onto tackling the post-work. You all have a nice weekend.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Progress 15.01.2024

Hello all!

So the weekend was awesome... today not so much. I hate my brain at times for getting stuck on insignificant details that you can't even see on camera. Anyway. Rendering has been good, except for today took way too long to set up the scene. But that being said, there isn't that much to render script wise, one scene basically but that is relatively large render count wise. So all is good and right on my internal schedule.

As for writing... It went really well. I'm basically where I should be at this time of the rendering, so all is good. And I'm happy.

Concept art today. Since what I have left could be spoiler and not that suitable for public posting. Anyway. While ToaM isn't Terminus Reach, and the majority of characters are more or less standard fantasy stuff, humans, elves, dwarfs and so on. Some I give a twist, of course, like the snow elves instead of the standard high elf. But that doesn't mean I don't have a need for things that are more unusual. You saw the male counterpart in 0.5.0 (maybe) and right now you don't know what that was. That's for hmm update 7 I think it was to reveal. Will there be other unusual things in the future? Most likely, yes, I've "prototyped" a lot of figures and creatures. Some aren't that great, some... some have uses. Granted, right now these concepts and experiments have replaced my "daily motivational renders" for most parts, but at the same time, they do function the same. They give ideas, and solutions to problems I've had while writing.


Friday, January 12, 2024

Progress 12.01.2024


I'm happy with the progress I've made. The render count isn't huge, but in relation to the script I'm right on schedule. So all is good on that front. Set building took longer than I wanted but that's always the case. And dForce but bit more later about that.
Writing is... in okay shape. It's just the case of actually finding the time for it, but as always it is the last thing I'm worried about. While not entirely happy with it, I'm okay how it is going.

This... this was pain in the backside to make. Why? Only thing that the emperor can move is his head. Then there was extremely limited camera angles. Followed by Force breaking and let's just say while there weren't explosions there were other issues, like the character weren't solid despite it was "visible" to dForce. And after two hours of trying to fix it, I just did the best I could. But it is what it is, at time it is just to better to move on than bang your head to the desk.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Changelog: Trinbulations of a Mage 0.5.0


  • 449 renders
  • Implemented the next part of the story
  • 1 Hidden image
  • Small Codex update
  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, and Bread)

Not much to say here, it got done and now it is time to release it.

Release schedule:

  • $15 (VIP) Tier: As soon as I've verified the links
  • $10 (Magician) Tier: 11th of January 2024
  • $5 (Journeyman) Tier: 12th of January 2024
  • $3 (Apprentice) Tier: 13th of January 2024
  • Public: 22nd of January 2024

Monday, January 8, 2024

Progress 08.01.2022

Hello everybody!

So I'm uploading the 0.5.0 that's about all I can say about that. So it will be out as soon as all are uploaded. Which might take a day or two depending how annoying my net becomes.

Codex, I added one of the main characters to it, but it is missing a couple of things in the other sections. I'm doing a larger update to it for the next one. Mostly in the gods section, and some weight system information.

As for rendering? 0.6.0 has started, it's going okay as is, the usual release day things are making it more harder to be as flowing as it normally would be. But it isn't a problem, I will get there.

Writing? Update 9 is done, and started update 10. I'm always amused how things start go into a different direction than I thought they would. But yeah, 10 is under work and I'm happy.

There are a couple other renders but I can't show them until 0.5.0 is out cause that would constitute as a major spoiler. So here we are, back with the Gladelings and delivering either the soul stones, or prepared crystals. Nisha isn't looking at the MC in this one... might not be a good sign... Anyway, back to work.


Friday, January 5, 2024

Progress 05.01.2024

It's done, 0.5.0 has been rendered. I'll do the post and coding today and send it to be tested and proofread. And those of you on discord already know that instead of reusing Shani's scene from update 3 (that was the original plan) I decided to make a new scene with her, without that it would have been done on Tuesday/Wednesday. But I'm actually happier this way. Anyway, once the proofing is done I'll start rolling it out in the usual schedule.

So then what? I'll write the weekend and start rendering 0.6.0 on Monday. And speaking of writing, it is in okay shape. Although the thing that amuses me is the choices. As you've seen, there have been more choices over all. Some are not so impactful, some might have more impact than you perceive. Update 0.9.0 is one of those updates that I'm having a more difficult time putting choices in. At least in the first part. But when it is time, they will fall into their places.

Girl talk. Shani isn't filling the same role as Chiel. She will react alongside of a few characters when they are treated nicely or poorly. Or if you make certain choices regarding other characters, she might react negatively. Gweyr is a bit special case regarding with Shani. She respects her, and wants the best for her, so some talking if things are certain way. And this leads to the point I want to make. Most characters have tolerance when it comes to their affection. So taking a negative point here and there won't affect their interest too greatly. Ayaka is different. It's all or nothing when it comes to her. And while you still can get affection with her, it won't lead into romance. I'm not at that point yet with her, but there might be a secondary effect to it for her. Namely, to be more understanding. I have to see how it goes since it's mostly written. Eh. At worst, I just need to macro an if statement.

And in case you wonder why I haven't decided on that thing yet? I have, but as it is with all the development, initial plan might not work and trying to force the original "vision" on certain things just might make things more complicated than they need to be. So certain flexibility is required. Also, I need to do some codex entries... whee. Never a dull moment. 

This was titled memories. Originally variant of this was supposed to be a hidden image, but once I was writing the 9th update I realized I should use it as is. Also I'm trying to give ample time to find them and there was no pause while this location was seen. Also, this can be taken as a hint of in which scene the hidden image is in this one. Anyway, back to work.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Progress 01.01.2024

Hello all. 

Slightly frustrated at DAZ today, but that's nothing new. Beyond that, I had a fairly productive weekend. I have two, maybe three, scenes left to do rendering wise. Which is a relief in all honesty. But at the same time, this update has finally hammered in that while I want to do the updates as quickly as possible, there will be times I just have to accept that it will take time to get the scenes like I want them to be. Some of the renders I've done have been awesome, in my opinion.

Writing. It's... flowing just need to write, really. Just need to put my headphones on and shut everything out for a moment and it will write itself, almost. But while I'm not exactly on schedule with it, I'm in a good place with it, so all is good.

And then some interruptions while travelling. Travelling times can be either boon or a hindrance of sorts. More often than not, it is a time skip and we fade from black in a new location. That's fine. Realistically, unless you are deep in the wilderness, there is a limited amount of encounters that can happen. While in the more border regions there are more dangerous, the heartlands of the empire are relatively safe and dull. That and constant, seemingly random encounters can get tedious. Although I need to look into something for those travelling times, unfortunately... I can't draw.

Small bonus render. I like night time renders; they feed my imagination... probably partially why I enjoy writing middle of the night. And one of the rare occasions where I use some sort of blur. I could use it, but I do have a few reasons why I don't. Two of the more important ones is that they give me a headache. I look at them for long periods of time while doing post, so after a while I'd spend a day in bed just to trying to get rid of the headache. Second is... if I use them I can't hide things in the backgrounds anymore. Part of their charm is that they are there, happening, and you might miss them until second or third playthrough. If I would do them while using blurring, I would have to remove the blur and you would instantly know that something would be happening, and part of the charm would be lost.

Anyway, TL;DR. Things are going nicely for a change.

Progress 06.01.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.31.0

Hello all! Annoying. This should have been out a few hours ago already. Stupid RL interruptions. And from the title you can guess that it is...