Thursday, September 30, 2021

Changelog 0.30.0

Hello good people! It is time for the changelog for Sorcerer!

NOTE! There will be a separate grammar patch in a few days, give or take, real life has been a bitch for my proofreader so he hasn't had the time to go through this yet. So there will be some mangled English that I missed. And therefore, please do not report any spelling or grammar mistakes until the patch is deployed. Thank you!
Changelog 0.30.0
  • Day 30 implemented.
  • 513 renders.
  • Grammar and spelling fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Shaddy, Orion777, Ayzle87)
Yeah I think I need a break... So anyway this is the biggest single day render wise that I've done outside of branching days. Was it worth it? Maybe, I mean that is for you guys and gals to judge.
So the release schedule:
  • Every single Patron of mine: Which is in about... 5 minutes, or as long as it takes me to compile the post.
  • Public, 7th of October.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Progress 27.09.2021


Man I'm tired... I'm at 434 renders at the moment and I need about 70ish more? Hopefully overestimating but we will see. So there is that bit really. 

Writing is going alright considering that most of the time I'm writing on the tablet since renders eats all my vram, while the tablet is good it is bit clunky to use on longer texts but closing on finishing day 35... so that's good.

This is kind of short and sweet progress update, I mean there is not much to say about it since all I need is renders, renders, and some more renders, and now back to rendering.

Yup, you get to visit Connor and Ayla as well... and the short one is Karl.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Progress 24.09.2021


Where to begin? Let's start saying that I have 3 scenes left to do, about. And I'm sitting at 300 renders and I as an estimate I need 200 more, which puts this update render wise probably the largest non branching day update I've done, and it was one of the larger before I decided to add things to it. Still it is just an estimate that I'm overestimating, hopefully. So there is that, but beyond that surprise...

The day is coded though so that there, and been doing testing when I can while rendering so it cuts some time out of it.

Writing wise, I'm about halfway done of day 35, just need hammer out final details out, mostly in how I want the reminder of the day play out. So there, that's what is going on on this side of the screen.

I kind of like this, it puts emphasis on the eyes >.>

And here, probably the render that few of you have been waiting. Dagna in her "combat" gear, so to say.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Public release: Sorcerer 0.29.0


Tested and played through few times, all the saves worked. But that  doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there is any issues please report them on discord ( Thank you, and please enjoy!

Full Download:

UPDATE: From 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 (219.1 MB):

Extract the files from the zip-file into /game folder and overwrite the gui.rpa, images.rpa and scripts.rpa.

If the file permissions are wrong on the Mac version and it won't run. To fix it, you need to open a terminal and run:

sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/

- Thanks to Eris Discordia for this!

OPTIONAL features that will change the default functionality of the VN:

The pickled edition:

Adds pickles... don't ask, better for your sanity.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Progress 20.09.2021


Hello world!

And let's get to the business shall we? Rendering, I'm about halfway through the script, which is the spot where I'm supposed to be if we are honest so that's the good news, the bad news is that there are couple longish scenes coming up that will take some time to make, one of them which didn't exists before last Thursday. But no time for regrets more rendering!

Writing side of things, I honestly took a break from it over the weekend, was tired as hell for some reason and that isn't the greatest time to write anything. But I still managed to write stuff down, and noted down the scene that is continuation of something that happens on day 30... you might or might not see it, depends on what you chose earlier ;)

And then we return to the subway tunnels... again. And yes, it is Aya's time to shine. She is featured fairly heavily in this update. And no, this image hasn't gone through post yet, waiting getting all of the renders I need done in this environment to fix all the issues at once.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Progress 17.09.2021


Meh one of those days where nothing seems to work in the way you want. Well was bound to happen sooner or later again. But that being said.

Progress has been made, unsurprisingly I guess. Rendering is going okay, I'm on schedule mostly for it but it always could be smoother cause daz is being pain in the back side this week. Had to move some folders around so it's being a little... yeah. 

Annoying. Let's go with that. Anyway, 1/3rd done thanks for me adding stuff to it so still while to go with renders but no time to panic just yet.

Writing, day 35 is underway, managed to sort 34 in more or less timely fashion, out so there's that positive thing. Probably need to delve in to the variables listing and check what I actually saved again so can start writing the epilogues soon, well more than the default one. That will be fun ;)

Dramatic entrances.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Progress 13.09.2021


Well that release could have gone better, but it is out now which is good. But lets talk about day 30 for a bit.

Rendering has started for day 30, which shouldn't be too shocking. But what is bit shocking that I'm actually writing few things for day 30. Not because the day is short, but because the information, and things I'm putting there needs to be there. But also, more text means more renders that I didn't plan for so time wise I'm not entirely certain at this stage how it will end up. But I keep working.

It's funny how things evolve when you release them to public before they are completed, had I've kept this under the lid like I did with TRS some of the things might completely different.

Anyway, outside of the additional writing on day 30, 34 is mostly done, I just need to edit some things I'm not happy about it, but I'll get started on day 35 soon enough. As the surprise release (for me really) did kind of mess things up a bit but yeah nothing bad, not worried.

And since not everyone hasn't had the chance of playing the latest yet, I'll keep the spoilers to minimum, which means, you get a concept render today. It is related to Sorcerer and one of the characters from it will appear on day 30. But please note, the characters will require some more tweaking her and there, and as said concept render, so there might be a  poke through here and there.

But without more rambling, my version of the Ifrit's. And no, sorry I have to disappoint few people, it isn't the muscly one that appears as I need a scholar, not a warrior this time ;)

Now, since this is a concept as mentioned, they aren't finalized. And I'm bit struggling to find hair that I like for them, and doesn't get too badly messed by the horns, or mess with the horns. But then again, if we look at the images from the fantasy side of the things, Ifrits (or Efreets) tend to be bald anyway. Not that I have any problems using bald characters, *cough* TRS *cough*. Damn cough.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Changelog 0.29.0


Well then I did stuff and it's soon time to release it. Doing the final build and then quick run through the update, then it is upload time!

Changelog 0.29.0

  • Day 29 implemented.
  • 279 renders.
  • Grammar and spelling fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, ShaddyModda, Orion777, and Uncle Sam)

Yeah, only 279 renders, didn't need to do lot of variations from previous days so that cuts the render count down, still length wise it should be same as always, give or take. I'm really bad at judging the length as I remember the dialogue from the images and first word of each line. Anyway.

So the release schedule:

  • $15 Tier, as soon as it has been uploaded.
  • $10 Tier, 14th of September
  • $5 Tier, 15th of September
  • $3 Tier, 16th of September
  • Public, 23rd of September

Friday, September 10, 2021

Progress 10.08.2021


Progress post time!
This update is bit odd one in few regards, render wise this isn't that large, which some of you seen me angsting over at discord, but that is because there hasn't been a need for lot of movement or action sequences that require tons of renders, or variations. Text wise this is still around the same as every other update though so take it as you will. And to add insult to injury, one choice can cut half of the content so...
But that being said, one and half scenes left to render, there about so that's positive.
And then we turn to writing, close to finish day 34, writing has been going good this week for a change, few annoying hiccups aside. Mostly due wanting to do X but that would lead to a dead end so have to do Y instead which leads to Z, but then I get another idea and it goes to D because reasons. But those are short annoying moments nothing more...
And then we come to the posts highlight what you've been waiting for, I guess ;) The render. What I'm rendering now something I don't really want to spoil, so while it is sorcerer related it won't directly be in the game, not in this update anyway. And as some of you might know my mind is... odd at best of times, and at times random conversations might bring up an image into my head that I just need to get out. This is one of those images...

... I'm fairly certain that this image doesn't need that deep explanation. Just Bruce and Wayne having some fun, they might have misunderstood something, but hey lets not let facts get in the way of fun!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Public release of Sorcerer 0.28.0!

Tested and played through few times, all the saves worked. But that  doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there is any  issues  please report them on discord ( Thank you, and please enjoy!

Full Download:

UPDATE: From 0.27.0 to 0.28.0 (319.2 MB):

Extract the files from the zip-file into /game folder and overwrite the gui.rpa, images.rpa and scripts.rpa.

If the file permissions are wrong on the Mac version and it won't run. To fix it, you need to open a terminal and run:

sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/

- Thanks to Eris Discordia for this!

OPTIONAL features that will change the default functionality of the VN:

Extract to /game folder, and allow it to override the old extras.rpa if it asks.

The pickled edition:

Adds pickles... don't ask, better for your sanity.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Progress 06.09.2021


Progress, progress... progress. Not sure what I was going with that but eh. Anyway.

Weekend is over and time for progress post. I'm about half way through the script which puts me right where I want to be, roughly, I mean I always want to more ahead than it would realistically be possible. So yeah rendering is going fine despite needing to build things and apparently me skipping renders in my notes...

Writing, it's going, didn't get as far as I wanted over the weekend but it isn't in bad shape either. I did kind of expect it as I have sets to build so while building them I can't obviously write but the feeling to write continues so it will be finished sooner than later, not that I worry about I still have the buffer for it intact, mostly.

Some father-daughter "quality" time with coffee and cigarettes... in the middle of an ocean. Yeah the quality is in quotes because you know how it goes, parents being worried, and the kids getting annoyed for them asking questions they don't want to answer. And yes, that's Susan's dad, his name is Steve. And why they are in  the middle of an ocean in old boat? Well have to wait for that answer ;)

Friday, September 3, 2021

Progress 03.09.2021


Progress 03.09.2021

Been slightly irritating week but yeah happens, no point crying over spilled milk. So... where I am at?

Rendering, this is weird one, at the same time I'm ahead of the schedule and behind of it. Granted the feeling comes from the fact that I was ahead of the schedule with the previous update so I had extra day or two to make stuff, granted this update has pile of new environments to juggle which sort of slows it down until I get everything fit to my vram.

Writing, writing is on day 34 FINALLY, hopefully this weekend will be good for writing, it should be since the stuff is just forming in my mind faster than I can type things.

Some new faces... and it kind of will be the last time the are seen for... various reasons. And yes! It isn't Haven park! Aka the most common park in VNs.

Progress 06.01.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.31.0

Hello all! Annoying. This should have been out a few hours ago already. Stupid RL interruptions. And from the title you can guess that it is...