Monday, September 6, 2021

Progress 06.09.2021


Progress, progress... progress. Not sure what I was going with that but eh. Anyway.

Weekend is over and time for progress post. I'm about half way through the script which puts me right where I want to be, roughly, I mean I always want to more ahead than it would realistically be possible. So yeah rendering is going fine despite needing to build things and apparently me skipping renders in my notes...

Writing, it's going, didn't get as far as I wanted over the weekend but it isn't in bad shape either. I did kind of expect it as I have sets to build so while building them I can't obviously write but the feeling to write continues so it will be finished sooner than later, not that I worry about I still have the buffer for it intact, mostly.

Some father-daughter "quality" time with coffee and cigarettes... in the middle of an ocean. Yeah the quality is in quotes because you know how it goes, parents being worried, and the kids getting annoyed for them asking questions they don't want to answer. And yes, that's Susan's dad, his name is Steve. And why they are in  the middle of an ocean in old boat? Well have to wait for that answer ;)

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Progress 06.01.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.31.0

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