Friday, November 19, 2021

Progress 19.11.2021


Wohoo... stuff has been done! Yay? So...

Rendering wise, I'm where I'm supposed be roughly. One scene took way longer than I wanted, at least it felt like it but in reality I will be on the schedule surprisingly, or unsurprisingly depending on who you ask.

As for writing, I'm not sure how many times I've rewritten some of the sections because I'm not happy with them, and in all honesty what was originally written for the final day is just frame work at the moment, so many things affecting things that it isn't funny. But then again, I knew that when going in. Anyway as it is now I should be able to finish up it soon, as it taken longer than I've wanted already but happens. Which is why I have the writing buffer in hand.

And then we return with some more or less important discussions...

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Progress 21.02.2025

Hello all! So... rendering. I'm behind from where I want to be, but unfortunately with the set building that is unavoidable. So right no...