Monday, January 3, 2022

Progress 03.01.2022

New year... and same tradition of progress posts.

Where are we at? I started rendering the day 37 couple days ago, not that it is anything too surprising, so it's going. And that being said, this update will probably take bit longer to make than the usual. Simply because there are so many variations I need to do thanks to all those choices I allowed you to take ;)
And partially because of that, there are few scenes that won't be pleasant to make so it will affect my mood somewhat. Which can mean I might not be as responsive as I normally are, or not depends on those days.
And on the more lighter side of things, Terminus Reach, the script is on it's way and hopefully I have decent enough buffer when I start making the renders. Other than that, still adding stuff to the epilogues when I remember what I missed or when I get an idea that works for it.
Final preparations so to say, before the bodies starts to pile up.

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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