Friday, April 29, 2022

Progress 29.04.2022


So Friday... this week hasn't been that great. My system drive is failing, which obviously is bad news. The good news is that replacement parts arrives some time next week, and I say parts because I ordered two replacement disks, one which I use and other which I store in case some other drive fails. Luckily the interruption to rendering isn't that big since my assets are on a different disk. Just what it takes to reinstall windows and DAZ... and couple other tools I need.

Anyway, so rendering despite the annoyance is going mostly well, I'm saying mostly because the issue affects on certain loading times so it isn't exactly as fast as I want, but still more or less where I want to be. which is closeish to halfway point sort of.

Writing other hand is going to places, almost, yeah shouldn't be too surprised that I'm never happy about the progress of it but yeah, still writing still going more or less where I want it to be. Just need to do final crunch on it and then be happy for few days ;)

And then bit chaos and mayhem that isn't due to our esteemed protagonist. Hmm funny, it looks fine when it's on bigger screen. Buuut the flying dudes aren't important what comes after is...

Monday, April 25, 2022

Progress 25.04.2022

Monday... after release weekend... Well then on to business.

I took a break from writing over the weekend, so writing hasn't progressed that much, but again not worried of it since it will be done before the next update is done. Well that's usually the case anyway when doing a release, too much coding stuff in between the release and after to write properly.

Rendering I started on Sunday, so I guess there is no big surprises there? Day 5 will be quite heavy on action actually as there are several fighting scenes of sorts so I'm not entirely sure how long it will take to render all of them. Granted, it is scifi, so it's more ranged combat than melee so it is easier to render in a sense as there isn't as much movement needed over all.

I like trying things I know little about, I know how to light most scenes, that's easy but creating various effects with light is different thing. It's something we don't generally thing about it that much. When we go out in the dark we just flip the switch and flashlight is turned on. We don't stop to think the shape of the light that comes out, we don't think how the shadows shapes up and so on. That above was an experiment with several spot lights, it works but it isn't the effect I'm after.... so I had to try something else, which is...

This isn't unfortunately the final render, but it's close to it. There are two or three issues with it. One Nova is clipping a bit, two the weapons for Neq'uk and Niles aren't there. Third one is bit debatable as I might want to lower the ceiling light strength a bit, giving it more sinister feeling. Or tone it something else entirely. Have to see that in the next update ;)


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Changelog TRS2 Update 4


Changelog: Update 4

  • Day 4 implemented
  • Additional sound effect
  • 421 renders
  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Shaddy, and BryonSmothers3DX.)

Yeah not really much to tell here, the update is done. Ahead of schedule even... Kind of, in theory.

Release schedule:

  • $15-Tier: 24th of April 2022
  • $10-Tier: 26th of April 2022
  • $5-Tier: 27th of April 2022
  • $3-Tier: 28th of April 2022
  • Public: 5th of May 2022

So yeah it's mostly uploading the files, compiling the post and verifying links at this stage.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Progress 22.04.2022

Hello good people! It's Friday and it means it's time to do some sort of progress post!

So writing of Day 9 has started yay, it seems that I got out of that weird funky feeling I had towards writing in the past few weeks. Well it's the spring time, more light etc. Not going to say it will go faster now as the mood ebbs and flows but I should be able to produce something in more steady pace. But I knew it was going to pass eventually just was quicker now than it has been in the past.

As for rendering, I'm rendering final talking scene then making proofreading build. Which should be up tonight, end then just render the final scene with Chiel. That won't need proofreading because, you know, Chiel. And post work, ton of post work, bleh. Well not that much really.

So yeah getting there, probably right on the schedule I've set my self. Again that probably isn't anything suppressing either.

And thus we return to the Mevaar to discuss things. Also I guess this is a good time to mention that one of the choices on Day 3 will cause game over on day 6, and unlike in Sorcerer there isn't going to be "whops you messed up, wanna try again?" screens. But the choice in question is kind of obvious, or at least should be.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Public Release: TRS2 Update 3

Tested and played through a few times, all the saves worked. But that  doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there are any issues please report them on discord (

And day 3 of our space saga has arrived!

Ran through the Android version a couple of times without issues, since it has the secondary save location implemented things should work fine, also the walkthrough mod has been integrated to the Android build, it still needs some tweaking but it will get there. And as always, MAC is untested. But it's the same build the same way as Sorcerer was.

If ren'py complains about "ren_name" not defined, save the game, and load that save it should clear it up.


Uncompressed update only:


Compressed update only:


Android (204.1 MB):

Monday, April 18, 2022

Progress 18.04.2022


Bleh. That's what the weekend was... bleh!

So how things are going? Renders are on schedule more or less, had some annoyances but nothing too drastic, mostly because the originally written scene didn't work with the set so I had to rebuild the set to something else and then just improvise the scene. Not my favorite thing to do as it takes time from everything else but it got done, and fairly happy about the scene.

And because of that random improvisation writing was stalled, not too badly though just didn't finish when I wanted. Eh such is life, still going to finish it before the update is done so I'm happy with it. I'll probably start Day 9 on Wednesday or Thursday, depends does my brain need some time off from writing or not.

Although it's the normal spring time blues for me, more light, more warm, more tired I am so my most creative period is between 3 AM and 6 AM mostly, problem with that is that I still need to adhere normal "business hours" when dealing with things so I can't permanently shift my sleeping pattern to suit that. What can I say, I like winter, it's cool and dark easier to focus on things.

Anyway, there are few new characters popping up, she is one of them. Siren. She is bit weirdly gated character overall, but all that is woven pretty tightly into story itself. And yes this part of the game deals mostly with people who are already known, with some new faces. Going forward there are more unknowns and aliens about just need to get the story lines out there with familiar people.

The second one is Claissa, as you can see from the resemblance she is Chiel's mother. Although she has only one appearance written, but eh, there will always be support characters when you write a story.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Progress 15.04.2022


Friday and progress, hmmm...

Yeah I've made progress alright I'm where I need to be on all fronts really.... and that's it? No? Bit longer you say? Sure!

Rendering has gone smoothly for most parts, changed few things around because it made more sense that way. Building is eating bit time but I'm have most of the "most used sets" done, I think, so far anyway. And I'm around half way which is where I should be around this time so all good for most parts.

Writing is on schedule to finish the Day 8 this week, assuming I won't get distracted or stare at the screen for few hours because reasons, which both is bound to happen. And while I would want it to be done this week luckily I'm not in that big of a rush with it since as long as I finish before the rendering is done for day 4 I'm good.

And it's Nadia's time to make a comeback to the TR verse... Her hair changed from what it was, and I like it in all honesty. This day has been amusing sort of, not many images I could show here so far for various reasons.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Progress 11.04.2022


I know I know, kind of breaking the tradition of not having a progress post the next day following the release. But anyway... and I know of the time >.> But this was mostly written on monday just lots to do and waiting for the preview render.

I've sorted the day 4 script in proper order mostly. So it's just rendering now, which I've started to do. Although you get concept stuff today, well kind off, as preview cause no spoilers!

Writing of day 8 is underway, hopefully I get to finish it by end of the week, but we'll see, I try to keep with the 4 days buffer I have, well 3 at the moment if we nitpick.

Empress Shelxae. Part of my issues has always been finding the clothes for scifi. At times you get decent results when kitbashing.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Changelog: TRS2 Update 3


Man those titles are going to get weird... Anyway.


  • Day 3 implemented
  • Two additional music tracks
  • 395 renders
  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Shaddy, and BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Ario, and David Green.)

So it's coming out soon™. And this is the release where we return to the normal tier release schedule. Thus the release schedule is as follows.

Release schedule:

  • $15-Tier: 10th of April 2022
  • $10-Tier: 12th of April 2022
  • $5-Tier: 13th of April 2022
  • $3-Tier: 14th of April 2022
  • Public: 21st of April 2022

So $15 Tier is once I verify the links basically. And as far as the update itself goes, it's the same length (approx) as any singular Sorcerer update was, text wise anyway.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Progress 08.04.2022

Been... interesting week, barely noticing what day it is, almost missed doing the progress post. Almost.

So where are we at rendering wise? I have 1/3rd of a scene left to do before I make proofreading build. Bit behind on that regards since had to redo portion of a scene because I didn't like the set, unfortunately the set I liked ended up being bit more heavier to render thanks to all kinds of reflections. But still I'm on schedule for the day I was aiming at.

Writing is on Day 8, total surprise there. On writing side it is becoming easier to do things, just need to guide them towards the end. Which isn't actually that hard to do just steer towards it with each update in somewhat logical manner.

This is the new set, and as you can see lots of reflecting surfaces. Meh, it turned out to be better than I originally envisioned so all is good.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Progress 04.04.2022


Progress 04.04.2022

Ah Monday, and I did stuff over the weekend! Hooray!

Rendering is going good, just irritated with it  since well long scene with a choice that alters few things. But it's good, 4ish scenes to render over all so not bad still on schedule. Yay.

Writing, it's okay, I'm debating on few things and that's usually a good thing but yeah, starting day 8 around Wednesday, need bit time to think over few things. I'm mostly worried about the pacing, it isn't fast and it isn't slow but I'm second guessing it as there is lot of stuff happening in relatively short period of time and I'm not sure have I've explained some of the things that will make people go "WTF" properly at the time of writing, the explanations are coming just not at the same day necessarily.

Not to worry, the guard will live on for another day. There is method to my madness most of the time, there are some background events (not in this particular image) that shouldn't be taken too seriously. And occasionally random things can trigger ideas what I can do in the background on those scenes that I think are empty, like that image, well mostly the holographic Chiel. But... there are things hidden in some renders that might have bigger meaning in the future

Friday, April 1, 2022

Public Release: Terminus Reach: Sentinel 2

This is it, the sequel to Terminus Reach: Sentinel.

5 years have passed since the assault on Sentinel station, time of rebuilding, time of peace. But now new shadows looms in the horizon, and once again the Wraith has to step up and fight for his beloved.

Tested and played through a few times, all the saves worked. But that  doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there are any issues please report them on discord (

Month later I'll present to you, the first release of Terminus Reach: Sentinel 2. As said on the changelog post, it is a weird feeling. But thank you for your patience, and please enjoy!

The android build is made by me, I tested it with my Samsung Tab 7, it ran fine. It does have the second save location thus it is going to need access to all files like probably any other port. This version doesn't include the walkthrough mod, but I can add it if people wish.

Also all the scene controls from Sorcerer (and couple more) are in the extras tab in the preferences.

And as always, MAC is untested. But it's the same build the same way as Sorcerer was.




Progress 01.04.2022


Hello good people!

So progress for Friday, and no, not doing April fools for several reasons. Although this might not be as long as last one so bear with me.

Rendering is going decently and I'm more or less on the schedule with it I think, it gets bit blurry at times. Rendering is becoming smoother once I started using timers again to keep track when render is done. But beyond that, I'm not exactly happy of some of the renders on day 3, I know the reasons why I'm not and there is nothing I can do about it since it is how light works. Still could be worse I guess, and I'd be happy on everything ;)

On writing, I'm still on target finishing the day 7 by end of the week, hopefully it stays like that but even if I would miss that target I will start day 8 before end of rendering of day 3 so the prospect of that makes me happier.

Yup new aliens to meet, well that is kind of given all things considered, some have minor role and are there just to brighten the room. Heh, some are just background characters to fill the voids as said. 

And speaking of background stuff. I still hide some random things in the images. Some are harder to see and will be missed probably until I point it out. Some will be clearly seen. Although one problem I have is that majority of things happens in small rooms on a space station and there is no room to add something random in the backgrounds, but have to see how it goes.

And no, these two images don't have anything hidden in them, just showing not sure what exactly with these.

Progress 06.01.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.31.0

Hello all! Annoying. This should have been out a few hours ago already. Stupid RL interruptions. And from the title you can guess that it is...