Friday, February 3, 2023

Progress 03.02.2023


Friday, so progress post and things! And this is going to be really short and sweet on the actual update process.

Update 24 was handed to be proofread and tested, so there is that for the starters. This means that I'll write for a day or two and start rendering the next update by Monday.

And speaking of writing, if all goes well, I'll finish up update 28 today. I only have a few pages left to write.

And that's about it. Stuff is good and all that in the update regards. Then we move to bit random renders since I don't want to spoil things.

This is one of those things. I'm not sure why I did it, but I just "needed" to render it. It's one of those inspirational pieces that just happens. It gave me an idea for a scene. I just need to figure out how to build it to the vision.

Okay, so, the usual disclaimer. Not everything that is seen will appear as is. Some elements might appear... This is one of them, at least at the moment. I browse various asset stores daily. There are so many items existing that even though I look and search for assets to use, I still miss 99% of them, so I constantly discover new things. At times a prop or environment just leaps out in a way that says, "Hey! I have uses for that!" In this case, it's the slime props. Yeah, when I saw it just clicked. I have 6 scenes I know I can use them in my mind. In fact, I would have used it in the cave scene in update 20 if it had existed back then. Beyond that, I like the render a lot, but granted, I've always liked the contrast between light and dark.

I still think about the familiar. I haven't chosen one yet. I guess nothing has spoken to me in relation to the MC. Not like in Sorcerer, where the Faerie Dragon just felt right, although I admit I tried it in here as well, but it just didn't fit. But there is still time, and perhaps something catches my eye before it. Maybe something that doesn't exist yet.

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Progress 07.03.2025

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