Friday, March 3, 2023

Progress 03.03.2023

Hello! It is Friday, and progress post time.

First things first, I'm fine, and Adry is also getting better, granted slower than me since I just had just fever. Nothing new at this time of the year. Anyway, to the important bits, then.
Update 26 was sent to be tested and added to Adry's pile of things to proofread. This also has a more or less hard release date, so... it will be out sooner than later. I think.
So this means I'll write the weekend. There isn't much left to write of update 30; I just need to look through the scripts to see what remains open. Well, I do know an encounter or two I need to do still. Regardless, I'll start rendering update 27 on Monday as usual.

Business as usual, maybe...
There are constantly things flowing through my mind. From random fantasy stuff to modern-day scenarios and beyond. Some things are just me trying things. Some, like the one below, are about me thinking about the character.
I know about the character and the world. But I haven't thought about why the dwarf, whom you've seen in some of the renders, is around the MC and not with the dwarf clan. I will visualize some of the things about that tale as best as I can.

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Progress 06.01.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.31.0

Hello all! Annoying. This should have been out a few hours ago already. Stupid RL interruptions. And from the title you can guess that it is...