Friday, April 28, 2023

Progress 28.04.2023


So it is Friday, and progress post time.

Okay, there is an issue with comments, it seems I can't respond to them for some reason or other, but rest assured, I will read them.

So let's go with rendering. It's going alright. I need more renders than I anticipated, so it is taking a bit longer than I wanted. But I should be handing out update 30 to testing and proofing today.

And after that, I'll finish writing 34 over the weekend, hopefully.

Kind of short today, granted. There isn't that much to say since things are mostly good. And by mostly, I mean the rendering, but yeah. And I think I'll skip the update 30 previews. Some spoiler stuff left. Thus... hmm, the conclusion of the staff saga, not that it wasn't predictable how it would end. But before that...

At times a more modern version isn't better; in this case, the "meteors" the upper is a new version. It's okay, but the following is better, in my opinion. Needs some tweaking but that's is something to do when in production. And yes, an undead dinosaur.

And the conclusion of the saga...

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Progress 10.05.2024

Hello all. Bleh. This week has been... interesting. So let's get into it. Rendering is still going. I'm at 500 renders according to ...