Monday, July 3, 2023

Progress 03.07.2023

 Why, hello, everyone! New week, new challenges. Hah.

Okay, let's tackle the writing. It's still going. Nothing surprising. It's where I want it to be, about, maybe the half page behind, but it's largely irrelevant.

And as for rendering of 35? Despite the weather being a pain in the backside, it's gone decently well. However! I'll take this opportunity to mention something. There is a slight issue with update 35 if you have deuteranopia. For those who don't know the fancy word, it's red-green color blindness. Toggling on the "Enhanced Visibility" option in the Preferences => Extras might help with the scene. However, that being said, luckily, it isn't actually that crucial scene visually since it's just talking.

A bit more Naelae in this update. There is a choice here that doesn't have direct consequences as is. It is more for epilogue material. And now we continue our short story...

The summoning ritual continues, although the mage stopped channeling magic to it, mainly because the portal to, well... hell keeps feeding magic to it...

Demons can be dealt with, the problem with them is that they want to kill you, and magic requires focusing. And it is hard to focus when someone is actively trying to kill you. Luckily, the angry adult panther jumping on them can give the mage enough time to deal with the portal and the demon.

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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