Monday, July 31, 2023

Progress 31.07.2023

Hello all!

Update 37 is going fine. It's just rendering and minor edits to the text here and there at this stage. And that's about it to tell about it for now. Really short progress post this time, but that's normal considering there is no more writing to do as is for TRS2.

Let's talk about the next one. Tomas, the MC of the next one, will be a bit of an ass towards a certain character at the start. The reason is given, and it is an understandable reason. However, all of that depends on what you choose. And then let's talk about choices. 

There will be more of them. Some are dialogue choices. Some are more important ones that change how certain scenes go. And some... I don't like calling them moral choices, but it has to suffice. Those choices might not seem to do much depending on the scene, but they determine how things play out in the end. The system still needs some tweaking, but working decently. I just need to decide how many variants I want to do with it. Anyway, the writing of the first update is going nicely... it's a bit different than before, but more of that later. And now the preview...

Talking with the UEC again. The choice during this bit is somewhat important regarding how day 39 shapes up.

This is one of the rarer ones. It's... writing aid of sorts. Sometimes I get several ideas, so testing the scene's viability is one way to determine which one I use. This one worked better than the other one.

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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