Monday, August 7, 2023

Progress 07.08.2023


So update 37's release date is penned on the 14th. That's the goal date. It might happen earlier, like with the previous two updates, but that depends on the storm heading my way. But I know more about that on Friday.

Rendering of update 38 has started as scheduled, I'll probably do a longer day with it today and after the storm has passed if it reaches me, but that is something I worry about then.

As for writing, the second update of the next one is written. Well, technically, I should say the initial release, but the point still stands. And it's always the same worry, is it good enough? Maybe? Maybe not. That only can be judged when the whole thing is done. But all I'm saying is to give a few characters a chance, like always. I will continue writing update 3 of it later today.

And not to spoil the ending of 36... I'll skip TRS2 previews again, sadly. It kind of irritates me, if I'm honest but better than spoiling stuff too badly. Anyway...

This is more of a character concept render and relevant to the next one if you make the right choice. You can block a portion of the game in the second "update." Fun times ahead. I apologize for the image being a bit fuzzy, some render setting does it, and I haven't found out which. Or there might be some sneaky "fog" plane there. But the characters and props are more important than the location, which I can always kitbash from other sets.

And then there is this... This is technically an actual scene image. However, I did this one to test which version is viable to do, and as much as I like Kitsune's as is those tails are resource heavy. So will it be this or the other one I haven't shown you? Well, you have to wait and see. And obviously, there will be a few other changes to it, so it isn't completely spoiling things ;)

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Progress 21.02.2025

Hello all! So... rendering. I'm behind from where I want to be, but unfortunately with the set building that is unavoidable. So right no...