Friday, August 18, 2023

Progress 18.08.2023


Good morning folks!

And now, completely surprising, update 38 is being tested, and things. So that one is on schedule. So, I'll write and do some coding things for a bit and start rendering the 39 on Monday at the latest.

And then we talk a bit about writing the next one. It's going great. I have one(ish) page until update 3 is done. So I'm happy with it. I should be around update 6 when I start rendering.

Feels odd to be at this stage. I've known it has been coming, and I'm not happy about some of the things I need to render. It has been a while since I've checked the script. But the update and how it plays out is fairly straightforward. So I would suggest making a save at the start since it is affected mostly by what you choose during this update. Except for certain bits, how those goes depends on what you've chosen earlier, but those don't cause "game over" as is.

And then some fantasy stuff. One thing I've learned over these three games I've made is that test the scenes you are writing. Nothing is more irritating than having an idea and realizing that you can't make them and have to improvise on the fly. 

Granted, it usually works nicely. Sometimes improvising can make a visually better scene, but most of the time, the stress isn't worth it. Still, I'm fairly certain I will end up improvising a ton since testing a scene doesn't mean it will be useful during production, as things can change between the test and then.

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