Friday, October 6, 2023

Progress 06.10.2023


Three scenes left, well three and 1/3. Oh, hello there! Yeah, slowly getting there, on positives, the more "posing intensive" scenes are done, and it just took a double amount of the renders than the other scenes. So the plan is that I'll do the testing/proofreading build early next week and while that is being done I'll do the "finale renders" since there is no dialogue in them. You know, similar to the Sorcerers "Views of the future" bit at the end (aka the bit with nurses). Also 1500 images in the render library, in case anyone was interested in that.

Writing has slowed a bit, been more focused on finishing the epilogue update than writing, but it is still coming along, not as fast a pace as before. But still, even if I wouldn't write a line before completing the beginning of the next game, I would still have three update buffer, like I did with TRS2. So not that concerned, I still keep writing though.

Nica, and a head pat. And the person on the screen is Suzu, might have seen a render of her while back at the beach with Nica and Zicra. And no, I have to save stuff for the future as well; I think.  Also note, this image is, and isn't in the game. Some changes were made to it for public preview.

Northern diplomacy, that was the title for the image. Things are dropping into places, and I keep finding interesting things in my library. Take, for example, the clothes on Tomas. I forgot I had them; they aren't for genesis 8 so they don't show up in the library as is. And then the other night I stumbled upon them while doing stuff when waiting for render to complete. And I reckon that set fixed the irritation I had with Tomas' clothing. Although, I need to change the belt...

And then there is this. I know I wanted to test some new effects I had, but then I forgot, again, that the VDB's are broken in the Daz's beta build. So it didn't come out as I originally wanted.

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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