Monday, December 4, 2023

Progress 04.12.2023

Hello folks!

0.3.0 is waiting for second round of proofreading, slight delay on it due RL stuff, nothing drastic. I already have one version of it, it's just checking for those things that were missed. But regardless I'll push it out this week at some point. But you should know that all these small delays do is make the waiting for next version bit shorter.

Started rendering 0.4.0. There is some time consuming building in this update. Luckily I can reuse them later. So it's going okay, need to find to make a few processes easier.

Writing? I'm not entirely happy how it went, had this stupid brain freeze on Saturday so couldn't write as much as I wanted. But it's sorted now and while I didn't reach the goal I set, I'm close enough to it, so eh. As long as I'm done by the time 0.4.0 is rendered all is good. Although, probably going to catch up by Friday anyway.

One of the things I've need to learn while doing this is that at least for a while, renders are going to take longer than I'm used to. But in the end does it matter? No, when I get to do renders like above. Could I make it quicker? Yes, but at times it takes longer to make it quicker than it takes to render all the images in a sequence. But I have a plan to make things fast again despite heavy scenes, it will take some time but I'll get there.

And then something more cheerful...

Ayaka might not be anyone's favourite at the moment, but give her some time... things might become clearer.

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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