Monday, March 18, 2024

Progress 18.03.2024

So it is Monday... and I should really try to wake up...

Right so, 0.10.0 is being uploaded. So the usual caveats with that hopefully it's done soon but net is being pain for some reason, well connection to MEGA is being pain. Anyway...

Rendering of update 0.11.0 has begun as is writing for the 15th installment. So over all it is on "schedule" at the moment. I reworked the codex over the weekend. Nothing too drastic, just automated something and did some framework for additional things. That and made the images to be somewhat at similar places.

So Lord Izumi... Yes I know, people do want to get revenge. And I have mentioned in few places that if you do the right choices and you do get revenge in more than one way. However that particular scene isn't coming relatively soon as there are few side steps to do before we return to the Empire. So don't worry, it's coming. Anyway... 

Man this was heavy scene to render, but it is done and I know now what to do next time. Luckily, the scenes in this part of the update are indoors mostly so I don't need to render a kit bashed village... this time. Ah well, time to pull out the old movie magic out and just have fronts of buildings. But we are at the point, geographically, where things starts to get muddied up. So there will be Asian style buildings mixed with more "traditional" medieval European/Nordic buildings so things might look strange, it has been that long since the Empire took these lands.

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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