Sunday, May 12, 2024

Public Release: Tribulations of a Mage 0.13.0

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So, as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord if possible. That way, I notice them quicker.

So what the fuck is the SHA256? It's a checksum. I'll provide one from now on, it can be used to check if the file is corrupted (or altered if you download from somewhere else). 

If you don't know how to do it, you can safely ignore it if you download from the links I've provided. If you download it from somewhere else, you can use it to check if the file is the same as mine. Also note, you don't need to download anything to check it, Windows (and linux and MacOs most likely, android no idea but don't go downloading any random apps for it either) has tools to check it. Unfortunately you need to use powershell to check it. But again, it can be ignored as long as you download from the links I've provided in this blog or discord. Thank you, for your patience for this ramblings, and enjoy the update!


SHA256: F064E9C13ECAEA2C7E30DA42F9C2088E4BAC7B4591564724721727CBBE9D714F

PC Compressed:

SHA256: FA26A5FC7F217D405A8530D866428A31C2CDCE875ED7F7DFA16771EFBA2A442F


SHA256: 06882AC5666790CC68E8BB50873481F696683ED44EA3D89C88E3EE96B702AD24

MAC Compressed:

SHA256: E0F61449321E020CCF61250969812CF9AAA3DE5F40BA883299498B9C2B4D448D

Update only:

SHA256: 1AFF9CEE7F6C80D2F64366563F08844172FB7DDC090CDE3EC6BA88E1B86C0199

Compressed Update only:

SHA256: E913CC3329FCD4A7AAE50A5454F6C2F90CB8A17B431DBA198FEC890FCFE51D9D


SHA256: D5D93AAE90CFA7614C38673AD52C8AD86E30430393FC3CC8B7E4EED7D9B69528

Android WT:

SHA256: 289017604C253AD105B8DFEBEC1C0FC5EE5D171B4044F81267D899957414BD3B

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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