Friday, June 21, 2024

Progress 21.06.2024

Hello all!

Friday and things are happening... at least when I wake up enough. The update is uploading, about halfway there with it, but there are the usual caveats during summer.

And that means I'll write the few pages I have left of 21, get some extra sleep and then start doing update 0.18.0 on Monday. So business as usual, I suppose.

This is... I was trying to create a titan, kind of succeeded and then I decided to put her into a render that happened during the mercenary years. Worked well enough. Now I just need to remember how I did the skin and make a male counterpart. Just in case I need either of them in the future. Although... Yeah... might work. Anyway. Have a great weekend you all!

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Progress 27.09.2024

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