Friday, August 30, 2024

Progress 30.08.2024

Hello all!

Well this will be a long one...

Update 0.22.0 is uploading, render count wise it isn't huge, but the text amount is the same. But that happens from time to time. So there is that, I'll write the weekend as usual and start rendering 0.23.0 on Monday. Overall, the writing is in an okay state. I managed to get rid of a couple of the "blocks" where I wasn't happy about the text, but now the writing flows smoothly again.

And before we get to the pretty picture stuff about the hidden images and short writeup.

  • 1: Pixies Playing. Just for fun, nothing too deep about these two.

  • 3: Knowledge of the ancients. The ghost horse witnessed the gate opening hundreds of years ago before the current events. By who? Well, that is a good question...

  • 4: Lilmina's fantasies. This should be pretty self explanatory considering who is seen in the background, albeit blurred.

  • 5: Ciena listening. Some owls are Ciena's messengers. They listen to the fey folk, deliver their prayers, and protect them from beings that haunt the night.

  • 6: Yuu is watching. Yuu is watching the main character via an orb in his old room.

  • 7: Memories of a nymph. Tomas encountered a nymph during his travels. He has fond memories of her.

  • 8: Day in the Emperor's Harem. Another fairly self explanatory one. A glimpse of what is happening in there on an "average" day when people are bored.

  • 9: Trouble at the Desert. Will be in game to some degree.

  • 10: Ciena watching. Ciena personally listening to Shani's prayers.

  • 11: Yuu's freedom. Yuu roaming the lands after being freed.

  • 12: Aisha Looking. Happened before the game started, the final night at Aisha's home before she left with the expedition to the north.

  • 13: Life prevails. Atrix's last walk on the surface of the world. She smiles because she knows that the life will return to the world one day.

  • 14: The hunt begins. Huntress is being blessed for the hunt. The huntress kneeling is Eshe.

  • 15: The flame is born. Eh... this is difficult to explain. Mostly just I wanted to try something, and it looked nice enough. I'll think something about it if I need to use it. Although I do have a couple of ideas, just not sure if anything will come out of them.

  • 16: The Emperors Wrath. Doing something against the Imperial law can be dangerous regardless who you are, as Lord Izumi found out.

  • 17: Battle at Wailing Lake. Ogres battling some of the undead at the Wailing Lake.

  • 18: Life reborn. Life returns to the world.

  • 19: Darkness arrives. After the war of the ancients, the world was ravaged, the gods and goddesses enshrouded the world in darkness until they were strong enough to restore it. Technically speaking, the order of 18 and 19 is flipped around.

  • 20: Ghosts of the Past. Jhaena and her brother fight.

  • 21: The Deal was made. Empress making a deal with the Dragons. Might have something to come in the game.

  • 22: The Seeker of the Empire. Pretty self explanatory for most parts, Seeker of the Empire is the title that is bestowed one of the Emperor's children. And she is the current one.

  • 23: The Spirit Dog. This was made to have a clearer image of the familiar Eirlys has.

  • 24: Instructions Given. Elder dragons instructing Miki and the other dragons. Might have something to come in the game.

  • 25: Awakening. This is... more foreshadowing of a something that will happen in the game.

  • 26: Far-away lands. Will be in game to some degree.

  • 27: Gladelings dream. Certain Gladeling dreaming about things.

  • 28: Ruthless. Will be in game to some degree (things related to this is mentioned in 26)

So the 9, 14, 16, 21, 24, 25, 26 and 28. These I think are the most relevant for the game as is. Already said it up there, but some of them might be seen in the game to a point. The once related to the desert are at the moment mentioned in the material I'm wirting, whether we end up visiting that region isn't 100% certain yet. Couple of them show the "behind the scenes" steps how the events unfold (regarding Lord Izumi and how things go forward for Lady Miki). Number 20 is an explanation of sorts on how Jhaena got captured, in the end, no matter how good a fighter or a mage you are, 2 vs 1 will be more draining. Assuming it was just one wraith she fought while deflecting her brother's magic.

Now there is one missing, I will add what it means in to the next progress post when the update goes to public. And again for the next one once it's public... Assuming I can't rig something to the hidden image gallery. Need to look that up.

And as traditions, no in game renders to avoid the final spoilers. Recently I've been in a mood to do renders that happens underwater, I'm not sure why as I haven't exactly planned anything to happen underwater as is. If it would make sense to add, I add it, if it doesn't? Then no point adding it just for sake of adding it. Although, I did find interesting things from my library thanks to these...

Anyway. That's it for today. Stuff is being uploaded and the release cycle starts when it is done. With the usual caveats regarding the weather as there is a storm supposedly heading this way and power situation. Have a great weekend you all!


Monday, August 26, 2024

Progress 26.08.2024

Hello all!

Bleh, the weekend was a bit annoying. Couple texture issues that I wasn't able to sort out, so wasted too much time on them. Then on top of that feeling slightly under the weather, but things still got done. And on positives I slept really well last night. And that being said...

Rendering is in decent shape. Two and half scenes to render, but the two scenes aren't that large so it's all good. And speaking of the renders, I mitigated the texture issues the best I could, and in some renders there is this seemingly odd light in strange places. The light is actually something that is supposed to happen due to an item in the scene so it isn't an issue.

Writing is also in decent shape, was missing about half a page from where I wanted to be, but set building and the texture issues ate some time. But it will be done as usual.

Short chat with Riya, the Naga's have been a bit sidelined, but they have a lot of in their minds at the moment, some that they aren't ready to share. And there has been a hint or two in the hidden images... And they have their own story arc reserved. But I'm overall happy how the set turned out, just need to do some post work with the image series, nothing big really.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Progress 23.08.2024

 Hello all!

Friday and progress post!

Rendering... that is in okay state, count wise I'm behind, relation to the script? I'm where I need to be. One of those updates that doesn't have huge count of renders.

Writing in other hand, it's on schedule. I have some doubts of the section I'm writing, but that's because what the characters say at the moment isn't exactly true but it is what they know and think is true. Eh, it will be fine, world building and things.

Camping in the forest, again. I decided to take a smaller group to the north. Why is explained in the game. And partially, it's more easier to get one on one time that makes sense with some of the cast. Anyway that's it for today. I'll take a short break and do stuff. Have a great weekend you all.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Changelog: Tribulations of a Mage 0.21.0


  • 372 renders
  • Implemented the next part of the story
  • Fixed the puzzle
  • 1 hidden image
  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Orion, OBE, Anon1234, DavidCF, LT. Walke. mat_cauthon, Horny Toad)

Known issue:

  •  There is a crash issue with the puzzle due to missing images (forgot to copy them, whops), but it's fixed in 0.22.0, if encountered can ignore it, but shouldn't be an issue as it only shows it idles for 90 seconds.

So about the puzzle. It works now as it should be. The solutions are the same as in the previous version, just that things light up and turn off correctly, making it "easier" to figure out. That being said, you still can't get stuck in it. However, I forgot to copy two image files over, and I'm not really in a mood to upload 40gb again. The puzzle works properly, but after 90 seconds it will throw an error. Ignoring the error just continues the game, nothing too drastic.I will add instructions to it soon. Just need to figure out which style of them I'm going to do...

Release schedule:

    $15 Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.
    $10 Tier: 21st of August
    $5 Tier: 22nd of August
    $3 Tier: 23rd of August
    Public: 2nd of October

Checksums SHA256:

  • 11A50D8CECFF0AAE174393F3309270A62219C7D9434AEA73C70D502C7584CC6D      
  • 069A958E737466D5FF8446127877114084516453FE55EC355369C19B20EB262C        
  • 2CD2BECE4E654910D8B92F6757431FD49639898AC4C11F1DF57DF5EF75C3825D       
  • 02EC616476494E10DF5BD872A4496B8CF6CA541158A20E30D0FC66C6A1FFF216         
  • AAF4A168C232B73F388970E2A25088FD2D1BE75B9B6F07DD8EC78C4DBDA87413   
  • 19B85670947B15E0B57049730971DA85AF9C02E5C161A27E986A66A092AFD6F9     
  • FA4091A3BBEC9FFFBE43CEF1EA962A93927386F74D93D2F829864EB4D0CA399A com.talothral.toam-release.apk
  • E8FB3463E88F9EA0CA4A953D8355E85BFA0F7377A39D9E566AAEAE4225DDA9D7 com.talothral.toam-release.apk (WT)

Progress 19.08.2024

Ahhhh... I'm running late! Oh right, hello all!

Amusingly, while I feel running late, I'm not. Simply because there isn't a set schedule as is. Anyway, I'm compiling the release post, checking the links etc the usual drill, so the release cycle for 0.21.0 will start soon, relatively, assuming I haven't messed up the uploads. Wouldn't be the first nor the last time.

Anyway. I started rendering the 0.22.0... relatively fresh preview below. There is some set building but it should be relatively easy to do... and now I jinxed that.

As for writing, 0.25.0 is done, moving to 0.26.0 once I get all the other stuff done for the day.

And fresh from the 0.22.0, nothing spectacular, just short morning talk before we head off to do things. I like how the light glow on Ysaerra works, just gives that right unnatural feeling to her. Anyway, back to work.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Public Release: Tribulations of a Mage 0.20.0

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So, as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord if possible. That way, I notice them quicker.


PC Compressed


MAC Compressed

Update only

Update only compressed


Android WT

Friday, August 16, 2024

Progress 16.08.2024

Hello all.

So yeah... progress. Update 0.21.0 was handed to proofreading and testing. Had to re-render one of the sequences because it had an issue that annoyed me. But that's done already so... although I need to make a note to add something to the codex. And speaking of the codex, I will look into adding familiars for the mages to it. It shouldn't be too difficult with the way I want to do it, but it will require some testing to be certain. Although Nisha already has her entry on the main cast page, but that's because she is seen most often out of the familiars and she has had an important role in the story overall.

And thus, I'll write the weekend and start rendering 0.2.0 on Monday and writing the next bit also then, most likely anyway.

No spoilers, thus some daily motivational render. The fights are problematic in a sense. They kind of work right now, but a lot of them will boil down to some sort of deadlock, at least until Nisha (or someone else) comes and mauls the opponent. Or distraction. But that is the nature of magic. The one who makes a mistake first loses. Or who is the fastest or the stealthiest one. It's partially why Garrett in Terminus Reach did a lot hand to hand combat, it's visually more pleasing than just walking into a room and snapping everyone's necks psionically. Or throw them into a steel wall at 100 kmph (60 mph). Although both did kind of happen occasionally. So I've been looking a way how to enhance some fights that might occur in the future... and I found it. And it was completely random from a store I knew existed but never really used before. Just need to learn how to tweak the vdb shader. Will it be now the default way to fight? Not really, it depends on the fight and the scene. But I like to have the option.

Anyway, have a nice weekend you all!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Progress 12.08.2024

Hello all!

Monday... So what's up? I have one scene to render, but its relatively large and posing intensive so it will be a couple of days. Depending on the weather, a bit unstable at the moment. But over all I've been happy how it is at the moment. The render folder is somewhere 300+ renders, but it has fixes in it so it isn't entirely accurate at the moment.

Writing is... where it should be. The trip to the Empire might be longer than I originally though, but that's okay. I'll try to avoid cliffhangers as much as possible, but... They tend to happen regardless.

I made this render on Saturday, and already wanted to share it then. It isn't graphically stunning. But it's... relaxing. Anyway, back to rendering and writing with me. It is time for certain characters to bury the hatchet. So to say. Although I probably should ramble about the plotlines going on around Friday. If I remember...

Friday, August 9, 2024

Progress 09.08.2024

Hello all!

Bleh, set building... ah well. At times I wish there would be easier way to make interiors but alas... no such thing. Anyway. Rendering, is in a good spot overall. I'm not happy with couple of the image sequences since I couldn't get them to work like I wanted. But they still work, could be better... but they could be also so much worse, so, I'll take win when I get one. Once I get the update to testing and proofreading I might take a look at them again. But have to see it then.

Writing is in okay spot as well. Couple of plans changed from the original, but I think that is for the best overall. The original option was just a small scene, but with the change it can have larger impact on the story. Not enough to doom things permanently, but more in making things just that much harder.

 So a couple of previews this time, just for the fun of it. Breakfast time. Just a handful of people in this, the others already ate or are still sleeping after rough travel. A lot of time in the tower, and now in the camp when needed, is with smaller groups. More manageable overall, there will be a few larger gatherings but easier to focus this way. And less strain on the hardware. Mostly. Gweyr got annoyingly clipped but there as a slight issue with camera angles, but noticed it too late and the other camera angles I tried I wasn't happy with at all, always something was covered. But luckily it isn't that long scene if I get annoyed enough and rerender it, but need to finish the update first.

Then exploring the tower a bit, a reliquary of sorts. The crystal that Tomas is walking towards to isn't the item that is going to be there. Spoilers and all that, but not too hard to guess what is on the pedestal. Although, that particular object isn't the primary reason to come here, had to actually edit the text to make it fit since I found something more useable than the original plan.

And that was it for today. You all have a great weekend!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Progress 05.08.2024

Hello all!

Monday and release week. Yay. So far it has been good, outside of copy and paste error with the SHA's, fixed in the posts and changelog just fyi. I hope. And couple ren'py shenanigans but that unfortunately isn't anything new.

So rendering of 0.21.0 has begun as expected, a bit slow but the scene is relatively heavy so nothing new in that regard, and I'll get it done in the end.

As for writing, starting the update 25 tonight. 24 ended being a bit longer since I didn't want to end it in another cliffhanger so soon after the last trio. And that's about that... Next tier release is in a few hours so...

A concept render this time to avoid massive spoilers. I do a lot of characters. Some with specific purpose in mind, some just for fun. And at times I make a character that I plan to use but the original plan gets changed. She is one of those, the plan changed. Will I use her? Maybe. In ToaM? I don't know until I write things. But with a few tweaks she would fit Sorcerer as well. Or TRS, just would need a jumpsuit and lose the ice effects. Anyway, back to work with me... or short break actually first.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Public Release: Tribulations of a Mage 0.19.0

 Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So, as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord if possible. That way, I notice them quicker.


PC Compressed


MAC Compressed

Update only

Update only compressed


Android WT

Changelog: Tribulations of a Mage 0.20.0



  • 308 renders

  • Implemented the next part of the story

  • Small update to codex

  • 1 hidden image

  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Orion, OBE, dogwithguns, Tesander)

Eh, not much to say about this really, things went smooth enough so onwards with the schedule.

Release schedule:

  •     $15 Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.

  •     $10 Tier: 6th of August

  •     $5 Tier: 7th of August

  •     $3 Tier: 8th of August

  •     Public: 19th of August

Checksums SHA256:

Mac Compressed: 4A760536FF540ABCB3BC2BB622901F72CA095CE8382C6AAA57C100A9BCACF1CD

Mac: B7D1389FE61A81F3F274205EEB1B423CCA17710741160FBF5BFC0D5EE2EE70B3

PC Compressed: 89F4B0567180142BFEA513A15E9EB1F6728173AFB9550692FCBBBB9D675CAA3F

PC: 89F4B0567180142BFEA513A15E9EB1F6728173AFB9550692FCBBBB9D675CAA3F

Update only: C184E2068D3F4847BE4F70ABCC990E5E6395F3EE6ACD6CAFD701E5C671FECBD3

Update only compressed: 6754432251986828D21E5885E65769AEDE37E8A9AF2B79B3BEF03D4AEF264C94

Android: 92BDD915D1912E1C9DB5D1505AE110C1B96B128B7725ECCAD4481768B9CAF385

Android WT: 196C7146070D71978B6256BC5A0A9200DFDAB2296DD9E945FFC6698BAE8F958A

Friday, August 2, 2024

Progress 02.08.2024

Hello all!

So... update 0.20.0 is uploading. And. that's kind of it really. I have a few pages to write. I think it's 6 pages until the minimum but I know it's going to be more than that, but it will be sorted out by Monday as always. And thus I'll start rendering 0.21.0 on Monday and writing 0.25.0 then as well.

Then we have a bit of a chat with our two dwarfs regarding some information that has came up... So yeah. That's about it for today, I'll head back to writing and messing with things I have no idea about. And that oddly reminds me that I should finish debugging the puzzle... Anyway. Have a great weekend you all!

Progress 03.03.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.35.0

Hello all! Ugh... way too early for the brain to function normally. Anyway, as you can see release day... yay. But beyond that, I started re...