Monday, August 19, 2024

Progress 19.08.2024

Ahhhh... I'm running late! Oh right, hello all!

Amusingly, while I feel running late, I'm not. Simply because there isn't a set schedule as is. Anyway, I'm compiling the release post, checking the links etc the usual drill, so the release cycle for 0.21.0 will start soon, relatively, assuming I haven't messed up the uploads. Wouldn't be the first nor the last time.

Anyway. I started rendering the 0.22.0... relatively fresh preview below. There is some set building but it should be relatively easy to do... and now I jinxed that.

As for writing, 0.25.0 is done, moving to 0.26.0 once I get all the other stuff done for the day.

And fresh from the 0.22.0, nothing spectacular, just short morning talk before we head off to do things. I like how the light glow on Ysaerra works, just gives that right unnatural feeling to her. Anyway, back to work.

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Progress 20.09.2024

Hello all! Rendering of 0.24.0 is going, render count wise I'm not where I want to be, but in relation to the script, I'm more or le...