Friday, September 13, 2024

Progress 13.09.2024

Hello all!

This update feels cursed. But rendering is done as is most of the coding. There is still some stuff to do, but I should be handing it to the testing and proofreading later tonight. That's assuming nothing catastrophically breaks. I had issues with 6 sequences that I had to re-render that was an extra 70 renders I really didn't want to do on top of everything. But as said, it's done.

Writing is in an okay state, not great, but not in bad either. I should be able to sort the remaining pages over the weekend. Probably jinxed that as well.

This is me testing a feasibility of an idea mostly. That and couple effects I found that I didn't know I owned... Is the idea doable? Yes. Just need to do a bit research on how bug's like that would move as they only come with standing poses. Although fairly certain I've seen couple pose packs for that... Anyway. Short break and then tackling the final bits.

You all have a great weekend!

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Progress 20.09.2024

Hello all! Rendering of 0.24.0 is going, render count wise I'm not where I want to be, but in relation to the script, I'm more or le...