Monday, September 23, 2024

Progress 23.09.2024

Hello all!

A busy week ahead of me. I have three scenes left to render, and all of them are relatively long. But that isn't surprising as text wise this is the longest of the updates so far. Plus some personal stuff distracting over the weekend didn't really help, but it will be there. Might take a day or two longer than normally but it will be done. I have a feeling I said that with the last update though...

Writing of 0.28.0 is in okay shape, it is in a state that I know what to write just need to get it on paper so to say. I'm mostly content with it really. Just spinning how I will do 29 and 30, but that I'll sort when I get there.

Unfortunately, what I render at the moment has two issues: major spoilers and not exactly suitable for public posts. So this is a purely something conceptual. The curse of the creative mind... something I've said before. Ideas comes and they need to get out of the head somehow. Some are stuck in a limbo until there are parts that I can use to make them. That's one of the good things when you can draw, it is easier to manifest them. With 3d unless you can make the models from scratch not so much. So how about this one? Now I know there will be riots, albeit minor ones, but right now I have no idea do I have need of her. But such is life at times, maybe idea comes later for her... Although, might need to alter the visual of the wings to indicate that they are more temporary than permanent feature... hmm. Something to think about. That and kind of wanted to test the environment as well, which was more important really...

Anyway, short break and back to rendering and writing I shall go...

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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