Friday, November 22, 2024

Progress 22.11.2024

Hello all!

Friday... I'm sleepy. No, I've slept relatively decently this week. Anyway, so what's up? I'm putting making the builds tomorrow. Today I'm doing the small things that are done before doing the build, like the final test runs that things without crashing, and merging fixes that have been made since the last build. And doing the codex updates, creating the hidden image icons for android, converting the raw png's into three sets of webp files ("Normal", compressed and android). It's just many small things that are better to do at the same time instead during the initial development process.

Beyond that, I'm about to be done with writing of the update 32, it's just a page or two, once it's done I'll continue writing 33. Then I'll start rendering update 29 on Monday. And then couple images, no spoilery stuff, kinda...

Nothing more than a man and his familiar, again. Truth to be told, this is more of a reflection of my mood today. Calm...

I've been doing that horned character a lot recently, and a lot of desert type renders. I'll be honest, I've known for months where the next step after the dwarf... kingdoms will take. And it is quite obvious from the dialogue in the game by now. Especially with ties to the main cast, and allows me to build things with Eshe a lot easier. Luckily, for some reason Ancient Egyptian themes are somewhat popular so there are building blocks for the environments available. Although, there is a problem with desert environments, light. And specifically lack of shadows. It makes things a lot brighter than it is comfortable to look at. One fairly obvious solution is presented in the render, night time when outdoors. Then the lights are easier to control. Add torches, campfires or bonfires here and there, some magical effects. Lanterns if near buildings. The options are there to add light, harder to take it away. Although I need to test one of the effects I use in this kind of environment as it sort of stopped working. I suspect it is the blueish tint from the light. That and need to find a better sword for the lady. Her name is Anor by the way.

Anyway, short break, then back doing the stuff I was doing... Have a great weekend you all!

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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