Monday, February 28, 2022

Progress (TRS2): 28.02.2022

Good morning people!

Probably didn't expect one to happen today. Well surprisingly or unsurprisingly all things considered I've been doing stuff!

So a test render first, the scene does appear in the game with all of them in it, just need few more props and relocation of few people. Was testing lightning and how much resources it took. Not that much apparently.

So there is that, and now that the busiest part of the weekend is done proper writing of the day 5 is under way, and it's going nicely now. Hopefully it's done by Friday, but probably jinxed myself with that.

Much better for ad-hoc pirate bar type of thing. Just need to fix the brutes arms and done.

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Progress 21.02.2025

Hello all! So... rendering. I'm behind from where I want to be, but unfortunately with the set building that is unavoidable. So right no...