Monday, June 6, 2022

Progress 06.06.2022


I was debating about doing this progress post considering that the release was recently. But I figured that why not?

Rendering of update 8 has started. Not that it is shocking news or anything really. Although had a bit slow start with it for some reason this morning. Eh it's all good now though, finish up the scene I was supposed to do in few hours anyway.

And writing for update 12 is underway as well. Frankly, I enjoyed doing only writing this weekend and yeah it was worth it over all, might try the same thing after this update. Depending how the writing goes overall.

This could be considered as a minor spoiler, but it isn't nothing that isn't predictable all things considered.

The update 8 starts with a bit of a déjà-vu. One of the reasons why I didn't jump to do TRS2 right after TRS was the environments. Majority of the story happens on the Sentinel station. And it being a space station there is limited variety of things.

Not that it helps that there is limited variety of assets available, namely once you see a corridor it looks the same as all the other corridors. Not that it is exactly cramped on the station or anything. But unlike in TRS1, I do have the option to do "alien worlds" as well now, one such incursion is planned to happen around update 14 if my memory doesn't fail.

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