Friday, July 8, 2022

Progress 08.07.2022


So progress... hmmm. Stuff is going on decently.

Okay... rendering. I'm about halfway through the script, and there are a couple of complex scenes ahead. It is going to be interesting making those. But beyond a few scenes, I had to optimize no significant issues with rendering overall. Granted, a big portion of avoiding those issues is certain flexibility with writing.

And speaking of writing. It's on schedule, surprisingly enough. And assuming the rest of the week goes the same way, I'm done on Sunday. But I probably jinxed that so. Nevertheless, I'll start writing update 14 next week, way before I'm done rendering, so I'm happy with it.

And this image. The glass shader is a bit problematic here. It was still noisy after 5000 iterations on a few tests I did afterward on another graphics card. I'm not sure what I do with it yet, but I'll see once the renders overall are done.

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