Monday, July 11, 2022

Progress 11.07.2022


So, it is Monday, thus time for progress.
Rendering is going well, as I have a few scenes left. The render count isn't going to be huge for this update simply because there aren't many sequences that require a ton of renders. But there are as many renders as the story segments needs.
Writing. I was right with my estimate that update 13 would be done by the end of the week. Shocking, I know, as if I've done this before. But joking aside, I was happy with it, and this update verified my working routine going forward.
Hmm... once again, I'm starting to run out of things that I can show without giving spoilers. Perhaps... this.

Nadia has been featured a lot in this and previous updates. And she continues to be more visible overall because a telepath is needed. But going forward few others will also be more in front, depending what the scene needs.
Also, a quick note about the character models. As said in the comment in the previous progress report, or one before that. Anyway. As I said, I have no problems using minor characters in major roles in other VNs. And that I try to avoid using major characters back to back. 
There is a caveat to this. Certain character types don't have alternatives. For example, the troll I used for Gertrud and Helga. There are no female troll models outside of that, I can alter them slightly, but it doesn't always work. Pure humans are easier to morph to look different, but at times... well, results can vary.

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