Friday, August 5, 2022

Progress 05.08.2022


Progress 05.08.2022

Hmmm... Well, this is going to be interesting. So let's start with the obvious. 

Rendering is in a weird place if I'm honest. It's going smoothly. The largest slowdown is setting the scenes as I can't use the same characters in every room. So I have to change skins, hairs, clothing (or textures) around, and different poses maybe. That and hiding a pile of characters so I can run dForce on one or two characters.

But that being said, render amount wise? I have four-ish scenes left. Although that isn't saying much since those four scenes are about half of the text. But never the less, I'm a bit surprised how far I am in, but at the same time, I don't want to jinx it either better not say much more.

And then the writing. Assuming I get to write the next three days without interruptions, I'm done writing update 15 around Monday.

Anyway. Usually, I would do a preview, but I'm at the moment avoiding spoilers. Well, you know it is about the Kread event, so there isn't technically that much to spoil but still... thus...

At times, I have to remake characters. Sometimes because I've lost the original files, or they just aren't what I originally wanted to make but didn't have the materials to make them. Meet remade Edna, the grandmother of Andi and Niles.

And then, I need to make new unique characters. Of course, when it comes to science fiction, you need a ton of aliens, and there aren't that many available that haven't been used thousand times by now. And at times, there isn't simply a character I need for a specific role. Now there is. I forgot her name, but she appears in the coming update.

And then sometimes, just talking with people, image forms in my head that I need to make a character out of. She isn't related to Terminus Reach or Shattered Seals (Sorcerer), but... yeah. Who knows what the future brings?

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