Monday, October 24, 2022

Progress 24.10.2022


Monday and progress stuff.

Let's tackle the writing first for a change. It's going. I have the remaining day plotted; I just need to decide in which order I put what and sprinkle some choices in the latter half. That's one of the trickiest aspects of writing a VN. The choices, which I've probably said a few times by now, you want the choices to have a meaningful impact. The problem with Terminus is the location, it's a space station, and one fuck up, and you can easily end up dead. So the choices for most parts are more personal in nature. Granted, the biggest choices that have been made so far just affect the entire station and the colony, so not a big deal...

Thus we return to rendering at last. It's somewhere I didn't think I would be, but roughly at the halfway point. Considering that the first scene is 120 renders alone, but have to see how it goes considering I'm rendering a bit slower now than I am with previous scenes.

And this is the reason why. I so didn't think it through when I wrote this scene. Granted, a few people don't necessarily need to be there, but meh. But it's a decent test of the system, really. There were no texture reductions made to get this scene done. And still have some VRAM to spare.

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