Friday, November 18, 2022

Progress 18.11.2022


And thus, it is Friday, and the weekend is upon us.

So update 19, the proofreading should be done today, assuming excrement doesn't hit the fan. So, I'm hoping that all goes smoothly and I can release it soon(tm).

As for update 20, well, it is branching day, so it will take longer than the usual time frame to make, simply due to needing to build multiple sets and lots of renders. But that being said, amusingly enough, I'm right about where I need to be with it.

Writing is more or less on schedule. I had hoped it would be further along, but alas, some weekdays aren't meant for writing. There are too many interruptions because people want to know whether I wish to join some cult or something. Mostly joking about the cult part.

This time the set of renders is... interesting. Often, there are no premade sets for what I want to do. Everything inside Sentinel is built from various props and a build kit. And surprisingly there are no caves either, well there are, but they aren't suitable for what I need. Directly anyway. This one is a bit bare-bones. It works as a cave... but as is, it doesn't fit my purpose in this particular VN. So we add things...

And we get this. Now, this is a bit more what I need, but it still lacks the reason why we are interested in this cave.

Thus we add some boxes and cages. More comfy now, don't you say? Well, not the peeps in the cages... and behold.

This is what we end up in the VN. It isn't perfect, simply because some of the things I've used in this aren't meant to go together as is. But in this case, it works to its advantage. It looks like it has been put up quickly and in a way that isn't permanent. Which is it is supposed to look.

And since cave build progression isn't necessarily that interesting. Have a random winter render that I wanted to do cause reasons.

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