Monday, January 9, 2023

Progress 09.01.2023


Today is one of those days when you just can't be bothered. Unfortunately for me, that isn't something that my subconsciousness allows me to do. To be fair, my irritation comes from the fact that I need to tweak every single pose at the4 moment for them to work correctly. But that is the price you pay when you have height differences and "non-standard" bodies. Ah well.

Spoke to Adry this weekend. He has the final 1/3rd to proofread, and knowing him, he probably read the thing couple of times over after that. But as you saw in December, it matters little in the grand scheme of things.

And meanwhile, the rendering of update 23 continues as scheduled. I can't really complain outside of what I wrote above. Still, that feeling passes once I get enough tea in me and get my brain in a proper working mood, which most likely happens as soon as I've done this post. Go figure.

Funny how things changed from how they originally were meant to be. This scene was set up on the fourth day, and I originally planned it to happen after the Kraed event on day twelve. However, the flow wasn't suitable for it as there were other more important matters at that point. But now? There are still important matters to deal with, but now the timing is right. However, not everything is what eventually was said... Also amusingly enough, the Mevaar Embassy lobby is one of the few areas that had little changes from TRS1, namely the ceiling height is more realistic in TRS2.

The concept phase is one of the more interesting ones before I start writing. Granted, before Daz, it was mostly random stick figures or blobs since I can't really draw. Which is amusing, considering that I do have a drawing tablet. Regardless of that little fun fact, before I start to create a story, I create the characters. And I'm pretty certain that I've mentioned before that I use dice and a gigantic spreadsheet to make them. However, their role in the story (or profession) can change what I initially thought. At times a character I thought was minor would become more prominent. In this case, and regarding the render? The Orc's role. Or more of a profession, if you will. Originally I had a certain role in mind for her, but over time I've thought about it, and I see her fitting into something else than I originally envisioned her to be.

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Progress 06.01.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.31.0

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