Monday, May 29, 2023

Progress 29.05.2023

And it has begun! Rendering update 33, that is. So yeah, update 32 will be released next week. I have an internal release date set for it, but there are the usual caveats for it. But yeah, rendering is going well. It's slow at the moment, but that's how it is when starting a new update, as there are a lot of things to do at the same time.

And writing of 37 started, well, yesterday already as I was in a mood to write. And should be able to continue it today again later on.

At the moment, there are too many spoilers with the renders I'm doing right now. So I'll drop two fantasy renders instead.

I think I mentioned it, but Tomas (the MC) is a bit oddity as a mage. Most start studying young. Why? Well, that is to discover later... 

You've seen the building before, but I've never really been happy with the location outside the swamp render I've done. But even then, the swamp wasn't the right location. Now, I'm not 100% happy with this either. The issue is mostly the "fog" I'm using to hide the ground. Still, I can live with it and keep looking for a better alternative.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Progress 26.05.2023

Hello everyone. It's time for this week's final progress post...

So update 32... I'll send it to testing and proofreading today. I have some post-work to do along with the "does this thing even work"-testing. And it means I'll write over the weekend and start rendering update 33 on Monday.

And then we have some discussions with Siren.

Hooray, Daz updated their... rodent/rat/mouse. While doing this render, I realized there aren't many "medieval" style winter clothes for females. I suppose I need to wrap them in some sort of fur cape or something if I decide to go to the snowy areas. However, should have used the white one instead of black. 

And then there is this. This is me testing if I can do the first scene I've planned for the new one. The answer is barely, but there are ways around it.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Progress 22.05.2023

Good morning to you all. Update 31 starts releasing soonish after this post.

Rendering... I'm not entirely happy with it. Building sets, support renders... at times, I really need to think before I write stuff. It could be so much simpler but alas, no such luck. But other than that? I'm about where I need to be, it might take a day or two longer to render than normal, but it will be done in a timely fashion. Assuming the thunder doesn't screw it up even more.

Writing, on the other hand, is where it needs to be. So there is that positive thing.

As said, support renders... I could have just used the generic "computer" screen I've been using on most computer screens in TRS2. Still, in this case, I need to show the camera feed, so to say. Thus support renders were needed.

And then the lone fantasy render, long nights in the alchemy lab, although the lab isn't his, and because of that I don't know why there is an octopus in the cage. And, no, he isn't yawning...

Changelog: Update 31

Changelog: Update 31

  • Day 31 implemented
  • 344 renders
  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, To Begin With, Bread_, OBE)
There are some fixes on the 32 build, so just FYI, still stuff coming in that regard.
Release schedule:
  • $15 Tier: As soon as I've verified the links
  • $10 Tier: 24th of May
  • $5 Tier: 25th of May
  • $3 Tier: 26th of May
  • Public: 4th of June or thereabouts.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Public Release: Terminus Reach: Sentinel 2 - Update 30


Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord (


Uncompressed update only:


Compressed update only:


Android (1.01 GB):

Android Alternative:

Friday, May 19, 2023

PRogress 19.05.2023


It has been a busy day. But onward to the progress post.

The rendering of update 32 is in decent shape, a bit slow for my liking, but it has been a while since I have had to build sets. But I'm about where I should be.

Writing is in an okay phase as well. I should be able to write more tonight and over the weekend. So all is good.

Someone who we saw ages ago is back. There are two versions of how this scene can go, depending on the choice made all those updates ago. It wasn't a game-over choice back then, and it still isn't. I just wasn't thrilled to render the other scene. And then the finale of the reunion.

Over the years, Malgrin became a mercenary and was hired to rescue the girl from the slavers by her parents. The grateful father offered payment to Tomas, but he refused because he was just escorting the two to the camp.

But as it goes, choices have consequences. Some might be positive, some not so much. Unfortunately, while Tomas was escorting the two, the expedition steered away from the original course and was attacked by giant worms. Not all were killed. Out of the fifty who left for the expedition, thirty-five survived. But when they returned to their homes after two years, only five of the fifty returned, including Tomas and Malgrin.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Progress 15.05.2023

Hello, and good day to all of you.

Update 31 will release on the 22nd or 23rd, depending on my net and the weather. Thunder season started here, and considering that my computer costs a lot, I could probably buy some sort of car for the amount it has cost. So I'm not too keen on letting it break.

Anyway, rendering update 32 has started. Been a bit off because of the thunder. Makes me feel tired more than usual. But it's going decently overall.

And then, I started writing update 36. A bit too early to say how it's going, but it's started, at least. I'll write once I get my renders done for today.

Jared is back... If you have made the right choices, something interesting could be said during this scene. And that's from update 32, by the way. And since I have new patrons, the following renders relate to the next VN I'll make after TRS2. They are telling some of the backstories I might be unable to tell during the story, but they might be nice to know. I might reference "Rose of the Desert," and it's a reference to this moment.

Tomas was around ten years when he first time met Malgrin (the dwarf), it has been fifteen years since that, and his memory is bit hazy on the details. But... A deal was made...

Friday, May 12, 2023

Progress 12.05.2023

And good morning to all of you. Well, morning to some. Anyway...

Update 31 was sent for proofreading and testing. Big shocker there for... no one, really. And that means I shall write what remains of update 35 over the weekend and start rendering update 32 on Monday... And that was it for progress, and no TRS2 renders cause I ran out of "minor/mild" spoiler stuff. Thus today, a mini-story, or part of it. It's titled "The Reunion." And it happens about 10 years before the story begins.

As it was in feudal societies, middle children more often than not were left with nothing. Depending on their age and the kingdom's war status, the oldest or the youngest male would inherit the farm. The girls were married off to merchants, farmers, and whatnot. And as a middle child, Tomas didn't have that many options, so he joined the army once he was kicked out of the door. As the years progressed, fighting orcs, raiders, bandits, and other similar threats, he was put as a scout in the expedition group that left for the Great Desert. And as a forward scout, he ran into... a situation.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Changelog: Update 30


Changelog: Update 30

  • Day 30 implemented

  • 443 renders

  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, To Begin With, Bread_ OBE, Betatester, 

There are more fixes, but they are in the update 31 build. So... coming soon. And if you reported something and it isn't in this build, it's most likely in 31. Anyway schedule:

Release schedule:

  • $15 Tier: As soon as I've verified the links

  • $10 Tier: 10th of May

  • $5 Tier: 11th of May

  • $3 Tier: 12th of May

  • Public: 21st of May or thereabouts.

Progress 08.05.2023


Hello to all of you on this lovely and sunny Monday. Well, sunny in here anyway, right now.

So the update 30 release is nigh, I have to sort a few things out, and then I can push it out so it comes out sooner than later.

The rendering of update 31 is going smoothly, and I'm on schedule. Truthfully, there isn't much to say about that.

As for writing? It's in a phase, it is release day(s), so I don't have that much time to write, but after update 31 is sent to be tested, I'll write couple days again. So it's good overall.

And Taraia is annoyed for some reason...

Unless a miracle happens, the panther will be the familiar. Granted, this is subject to change until I start making the game, but hopefully, there will be some changes, assuming I can figure out how to make them properly. Creating textures or editing them isn't my strongest skill.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Progress 05.05.2023

Wow, a progress post at this hour? And with that, there is a public release today, and you can get it from the post below or ⁠the releases channel on Discord.

And thus, we go to the actual progress stuff. The rendering of update 31 is in good shape. I'm where I would want to be with it.

And as for writing? Been a bit slow in the past few days, had a lot to do, but it's still halfway through. Now I need to sit and write more to get things rolling again and read through the script once more.

As a side note, update 30 will release on Tuesday. Doing some stuff to it, rebuilding the release... and prepare for a long upload.

Once again, Chiel and Garrett seem to be a bit theme recently. But it's just natural, all things considered.

Only one fantasy render again. There is a mini-story I want to do, but for some reason, I'm hesitant to do it. I know what the familiar is or will be; truthfully, I've known it for a while. But at the same time, part of me is waiting for something. Anyway, there is no real background story for this. It's just me messing around and trying to figure out some tools.

Outdoor environments are a problem, namely because they are limited. There is a tool that I've owned for a while, and the only reason I didn't use it earlier (during Sorcerer) outside of one scene was due to hardware. Now, I can use it in what I want, mostly. Just need to practice creating them so that camera and figure placement is easier and not blocked by a random tree or bush.

Public Release: Terminus Reach: Sentinel 2 - update 29

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord (

Monday, May 1, 2023

Progress 01.05.2023

So... Monday has sneaked upon us once more. And you know what that means.

So I started writing 35 yesterday already, 1/4th in it, so it's all good. Technically ahead of the writing schedule for once. For now.

And for rendering? Started rendering 31. My only annoyance is that I loaded the wrong scene twice. But beyond that, it's going decently.

And Renaud and Eclipses brain jar once again, it isn't a long scene, but it's part of her growth as a person, in a sense. What happened was tragic, and now she is in that certain part of the healing process where she needs to do something to move on, but it's never easy. This is part of the 31, just FYI. 

And then, just once fantasy render today, I'm thinking about what the next mini-story should be. I have some ideas, but I need to figure out how feasible they are to show in relation to the story. Yes, I know what it is about and how it starts and ends. Just the middle part is fuzzy. Anyway. At times familiars are used to deliver messages, assuming they are suitable for it like birds are. And since they are sapient beings, they have their own likes and dislikes... in this case, the unusually colored raven isn't a fan of the dwarf.

Progress 06.01.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.31.0

Hello all! Annoying. This should have been out a few hours ago already. Stupid RL interruptions. And from the title you can guess that it is...