Monday, August 28, 2023

Progress 28.08.2023

Morning all... Perhaps quite literally in some cases.

 I need more coffee. So where are we? I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not that I'm close to completing the rendering, but the more pain in the backside scenes are soon behind me. Otherwise? It's hard to say. I'm roughly halfway through the script. But that doesn't mean much when there are a lot of renders. But overall, I'm happy where I am. 

Writing is still in a phase. It's a bit weird to write, as there are several time skips because traveling takes time. I could add seemingly "random" encounters, but would that be any better? Those encounters should be "saved", or maybe reserved is a better word, for something more special than "random" bandit attacks.

I like this render, but good gods, the reflections and the "artificial UV light for plants" make it messy. And since I'm in a mood, another! 

This is a render I hope no one will see. If you see that, you might as well restart the day, as it will end poorly... I'm not a fan of that particular explosion effect, but it will work here. 

And I've been embracing my inner pyromaniac recently. With all the volcanoes and things. Thus, some more fire! Recently, I've struggled with creating characters. Well, that isn't entirely true, but it is because I'm not there yet for those characters. Once I reach the spot? Some of my more liked characters were created about 5 minutes before they appeared.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Public Release: TRS2 Update 37

 Public Release: TRS2 Update 37

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord (


- PC (7.70 GB):
- PC Mirror:
- MAC (7.68 GB):
- MAC Mirror:

Uncompressed update only:
- From Update 36 to Update 37 (196.4 MB):
- Mirror:

- PC (3.52 GB):
- PC Mirror:
- MAC (3.50 GB):
- MAC Mirror:

Compressed update only:
- From Update 36 to Update 37 (99.1 MB):
- Mirror:

- Android (1.19 GB):    
- Mirror:

Changelog: Update 38

Changelog: Update 38

  • Day 38 implemented
  • 359 renders
  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, To Begin With, Bread_, OBE, ThronIowa)

I probably forgot to copy some files from the development build, again, a bit fuzzy lately with that. Anyway.

Release schedule:

  • $15 Tier: As soon as I've verified the links
  • $10 Tier: 28th of August
  • $5 Tier: 29h of August
  • $3 Tier: 30th of August
  • Public: 10th of September or thereabouts.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Progress 25.08.2023

Hello all. 

So, update 38 will start going out tomorrow at some point. It will have the normal release cycle. 

Then we turn to the update 39. The progress is slow but steady. There are several variants that need to be done, and it is a slow process. And add set building and posing 12+ people in a combat scenario to it. Let's just say it has taken slightly longer days than normal to reach the goal I've given myself. 

And that leads to the writing of the update 4 of the next one. It's lagging a bit behind because of the longer time required for the renders. But once the variants are done, I should be able to catch up on the pages I'm behind. It's about 4 pages; there's nothing to be concerned about.

A couple of images this time, from 39. I absolutely adore this environment, and how it came to be was completely random. I accidentally tinted the environmental light, liked it, and then decided to add a couple volcanoes to the scene. They are a bit dark, sorry about that in that small image. 

And then a bit of fighting. Actually, there is a lot of fighting in this update. And here is the reason why things take longer. Early on, you make two choices, relatively early. Which results in a branching of sorts, so I have to make slightly different scenes depending on those.

And then the lone fantasy render. I'm not happy with the trees in this one, and the ground needs more cover. Either that or all the vegetation needs to be gone. But otherwise? The lighting is spot on. But this is why I try things out, and at times, like the volcano render above work awesomely, and at times, the results are meh.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Progress 21.08.2023


Hello all! 

It has been an interesting weekend. I got some of the background tasks for the next VN done. I'm implementing a dialogue wheel over the standard ren'py menu. However, there is an option to use the standard ren'py menu over the wheel. So, nothing to worry about in that regard. 

The rendering of Update 39 has begun. It will be an odd process since there are some variants to render and sets to build, a lot of sets. I'll try to work as quickly as possible, as always. But renders take the time they take.

As for writing? I finished writing update 3 of the next one. I'll continue to write as I render and do other things in the background, like title screens, icons and things like that.

And as for update 38, I'll need to run some test, build all the versions and then upload it, but it will be out before the month ends.

And the first render of update 39, there is a lot of combat during this update. One of the few more peaceful scenes, relatively speaking.

This... I have a feeling I end up using this particular glade a lot. Although I will try to make it look different each time. But in the end, clearing in a pine forest is a clearing in a pine forest. It was a bit slow to render, but considering that there are 3 horses, 9 G8 figures and Big Cat 2 in the scene, nothing surprising. Could add a few more figures, and I might do that once it is time to use this particular scene.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Progress 18.08.2023


Good morning folks!

And now, completely surprising, update 38 is being tested, and things. So that one is on schedule. So, I'll write and do some coding things for a bit and start rendering the 39 on Monday at the latest.

And then we talk a bit about writing the next one. It's going great. I have one(ish) page until update 3 is done. So I'm happy with it. I should be around update 6 when I start rendering.

Feels odd to be at this stage. I've known it has been coming, and I'm not happy about some of the things I need to render. It has been a while since I've checked the script. But the update and how it plays out is fairly straightforward. So I would suggest making a save at the start since it is affected mostly by what you choose during this update. Except for certain bits, how those goes depends on what you've chosen earlier, but those don't cause "game over" as is.

And then some fantasy stuff. One thing I've learned over these three games I've made is that test the scenes you are writing. Nothing is more irritating than having an idea and realizing that you can't make them and have to improvise on the fly. 

Granted, it usually works nicely. Sometimes improvising can make a visually better scene, but most of the time, the stress isn't worth it. Still, I'm fairly certain I will end up improvising a ton since testing a scene doesn't mean it will be useful during production, as things can change between the test and then.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Progress 14.08.2023


Hello once again.

So 37 is being released more or less on schedule. Sorry about the unexpected notification yesterday, well earlier today, depending on where you are. But that's that.

The rendering of update 38 is going well. And according to the render library, there are 300+ renders done. Surprisingly lot for a week of rendering. So all is good.

Still writing the third update, but I had to do some background tasks for the next one. Namely, finalize the "financial" system so it is believable. I also decided to make a codex to give some sort of reference. And a lot of other things... ah, well. Fun times ahead.

So... it is time. The location has been discovered. Yeah... It feels odd to be at this stage. I know 39 will probably take a bit longer than usual, and 40 will also take longer. Simply because there will be a lot of renders to make. It's one of those things. 

And this is partially due to my last night's economic things. It got me thing how much would a dragon hoard give to people. And the answer is quite a lot. Not that three people have much chance against a dragon that is awake.

The answer is a lot. Based on 13th-century prices, 10000 gold coins that are valued at £1 each (for the sake of example, since the price list I have is in pound-sterling). For a single unskilled worker, that would be equivalent to 3333 years' wages. Unskilled workers earned, on average, £3 per year during the 13th century. A chief armorer's wages were at the top end, £16 per year. Military personnel could go higher. And to give some reference point, £3 is equivalent to about £2200 ($2800 and 2500€) nowadays. While this doesn't affect you as is, since I'm not doing a sandbox where you need to grind gold. It's just one of those minor details I need to get "right" for myself.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Public Release: Terminus Reach: Sentinel 2 - Update 36

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord (

- PC (7.52 GB):
- PC Mirror:
- MAC (7.50 GB):
- MAC Mirror:

Uncompressed update only:
- From Update 35 to Update 36 (194.9 MB):
- Mirror:

- PC (3.43 GB):
- PC Mirror:
- MAC (3.41 GB):
- MAC Mirror:

Compressed update only:
- From Update 35 to Update 36 (98.0 MB):
- Mirror:

- Android (1.17 GB):
- Mirror:

Changelog: Update 37

 Changelog: Update 37

  • Day 37 implemented
  • 360 renders
  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, To Begin With, Bread_, OBE, dogwithguns, DavidCF)
I probably forgot to copy some files from the development build. I'd say 99% of the fixes reported are in. But all of them have been implemented. Just depends on the build they are in. Anyway.
Release schedule:
  • $15 Tier: As soon as I've verified the links
  • $10 Tier: 14th of August
  • $5 Tier: 15th of August
  • $3 Tier: 16th of August
  • Public: 27th of August or thereabouts.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Progress 11.08.2023

Hello all.

So, I'll start rolling out update 37 tomorrow from the looks of it. Always a small caveat, assuming there aren't any last-minute issues. It will be a normal release schedule, more or less.

Update 38. Rendering is going nicely. The storm didn't hit where I live, so there weren't interruptions. All good on that front.

And writing the next one, I'm halfway through update 3 of it, so it looks like I will have sufficient writing buffer. I just need to keep the momentum up.

I was going to use a different image here originally. Still, I've realized you have seen a similar image probably a hundred times by now. Thus have a mild spoiler instead. Sort of, it has been hinted that this kind of event might happen. What comes from this is epilogue material already... but if you see this, well, I'd say it's positive thing.

And then this one. At this stage, I'm testing what characters I can use and how. And can I make certain characters. The goat men need fur badly to look even close to what I want. Have to see what I can do about that. And I need to get some effects to that staff somehow... Ah, well, have to try stuff.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Progress 07.08.2023


So update 37's release date is penned on the 14th. That's the goal date. It might happen earlier, like with the previous two updates, but that depends on the storm heading my way. But I know more about that on Friday.

Rendering of update 38 has started as scheduled, I'll probably do a longer day with it today and after the storm has passed if it reaches me, but that is something I worry about then.

As for writing, the second update of the next one is written. Well, technically, I should say the initial release, but the point still stands. And it's always the same worry, is it good enough? Maybe? Maybe not. That only can be judged when the whole thing is done. But all I'm saying is to give a few characters a chance, like always. I will continue writing update 3 of it later today.

And not to spoil the ending of 36... I'll skip TRS2 previews again, sadly. It kind of irritates me, if I'm honest but better than spoiling stuff too badly. Anyway...

This is more of a character concept render and relevant to the next one if you make the right choice. You can block a portion of the game in the second "update." Fun times ahead. I apologize for the image being a bit fuzzy, some render setting does it, and I haven't found out which. Or there might be some sneaky "fog" plane there. But the characters and props are more important than the location, which I can always kitbash from other sets.

And then there is this... This is technically an actual scene image. However, I did this one to test which version is viable to do, and as much as I like Kitsune's as is those tails are resource heavy. So will it be this or the other one I haven't shown you? Well, you have to wait and see. And obviously, there will be a few other changes to it, so it isn't completely spoiling things ;)

Friday, August 4, 2023

Progress 04.08.2023

Hello all!

So apparently, Pateron derped, and there are many declines or marked as fraudulent this month, as they changed payment processors, apparently. I'm not sure whether they have sent the notification to everyone, but they basically told the creators to tell you to check did your payment decline, and if you are, contact the card issuer/bank and tell them it's a valid payment. Anyway...

Update 37 was sent to testing and proofreading, so I'll write a day or two and probably start rendering update 38 Monday at the latest, maybe even Sunday, depending on how annoyed I get.

And then the fantasy writing. It's going okay. I just need to write on the laptop because the big computer has too many distractions. The first update is done, closing in halfway to the second update. If I get four updates writing buffer, I'll be happy. And no TRS previews cause spoilers.

I'm slightly annoyed with the lack of assets. Namely boats, in this case. There are modern boats that are decently new but "historical?" Mostly pirate ships or ships I can't use as is. So I have to think about how I do certain things.

Now this is kind of related to the story. It was an idea that came to my mind during writing. There are some darker themes around during the story, but that isn't exactly anything new either, considering the backstory I've given with Garrett for Terminus Reach.

Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

Hello all! Amusing, no matter how much you prepare ahead of time, something always goes wrong. Meh... that's life. Anyway. So what's...