Friday, November 10, 2023

Progress 10.11.2023

Hello all on this rainy Friday. I wish it would snow... anyway...

Rendering, it's in an okay state. Technically, with one scene taking three times as long to render than normal and set building, I'm a day behind render count wise. But script wise I'm around the halfway point and that's where I'm supposed to be at this moment. So that's good.

I'd say about 95% of the background coding tasks are done. The biggest hurdle of the tasks left is the music, but for that I need my headset which ear pads are broken. Meh, I have new pads coming so it's just last the last task I do. So what is left other than renders? About 5 million icons and other little images. They don't take long to do but there are many of them. And some Codex writing, got the page about the gods working... almost like I want. One annoying "visual bug" but nothing major.

And then on the writing front. Writing update 7, as I should nothing shocking there. Update 6 feels a mess, but that's always kind of how things seems to be at start with seemingly two or three separate plot threads running paraller to each other, that with the travelling that I need to sort out within next few updates to make things more accessible.

I think I've mentioned before that at least the first part of the new game has more eastern flare in building style, for most parts. The empire where things starts is a large place and closer to the edges of it styles can vary greatly. Although the chosen style for the first part is a challenge, there are things, but still lot of set building. And repurposing things... "realistic" ´lightning is a challenge, but at times you need to set the realism to side so you can see things. Yes, the fairy's leg is in more natural position in the final render, just haven't applied the fix to this particular image.

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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