Monday, November 13, 2023

Progress 13.11.2023

 Monday... One of those days.

Three scenes left to render. So I'm more or less where I want to be with it. Writing is going, slowly, but that's not surprising since I still have coding to do. The first releases are funny, especially when one gets ideas while coding things. Anyway. All is good. I got writing buffer, it still goes on positive way. And once the release is done, I can return to a similar routine that I had with TRS2, with the exception that I'm not one update ahead... And that reminds me. There is one scene that is dark, lightning wise. You are meant to barely see the renders. Granted, on my screen it is just what it needs to be, but that being said. I'll do my best to make them visible with the "enhanced visibility" option for those that want to use that.

What to show, what to show...

Ah yes, this. This is... fairly safe one to show. Have to get creative with the sets. Being in a similiar room isn't a problem, just need to decorate them differently. Although at times my creativity is stretched with how little things there are in more "ancient asian" style. Don't worry, we don't spend that much time in these rooms after the first few updates. We will spread our wings relatively soon... with more forests, swamps and other random things... ;) Although, I admit, interesting reflections and light bending from all the glass around.

Also as a side note, there are things in the VN that I haven't done before, there might be times where moving the mouse around the screen might give result, some might even raise few questions... Although, not in that image.

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