Monday, May 27, 2024

Progress 27.05.2024

And good Monday to all of you! A bit later than usual but that's nothing new...

So release cycle started yesterday as my net actually worked fine. That's the positive news. And let's continue with some more positive news, rendering of 0.16.0 has started as has writing of 0.20.0. Well if you can call writing one line starting it but that's just for now, I'll write more later when it cools down a bit.

And this is... following morning talks after the 0.15.0. Just light breakfast with few people. Shani is still sleeping as is Satya and Riya. Rielle sneaked out to steal some wallets... or maybe not.

And then something that was said, and I had to look up it. Then I wanted to see can I do something similar... eh not quite but close enough for my brain. Probably work some more with it when I get some time.

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Progress 27.09.2024

Hello all! One scene left to render, or well half a scene but it might be 20 or 60 renders depends how the scene flow goes. I'm at 360 r...