Friday, May 31, 2024

Progress 31.05.2024

Hello all!

Friday and progress post. Yay. Render count wise I'm not entirely happy about how it is, but I'm in relation to the script I'm where I'm supposed to be. So it's one of those things, a lot of set building to do it eats time, especially when things don't go as you planned. That and unstable weather. Bleh. Anyway.

As for writing? It's in okay shape, been prototyping something I need for 0.19.0 so that has eaten a bit of time, and still will eat some time but it's okay it will be done on time as always.

So what is this? New clothes? Yes, well... things might have not gone as planned so new plans! Although as much as I like the new clothes on Tomas, they aren't here to stay as is. I have... issues that I need to solve before I even think of using them for other than a few renders. Anyhow, that's about it for today. Have a great weekend you all!

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Progress 27.09.2024

Hello all! One scene left to render, or well half a scene but it might be 20 or 60 renders depends how the scene flow goes. I'm at 360 r...