Monday, October 28, 2024

Progress 28.10.2024 and Changelog for ToaM 0.26.0

Hello all!

Combo post again since why not? So yeah the thing is uploaded and something came up that warranted to make a patch, it isn't mandatory by any means as there is no functional issues. But more of that in the release post.

Rendering of update 0.27.0 has begun, and writing of 0.31.0 is as well. So there is that for progress really. Short and sweet.

And small preview of 0.27.0, the day of departure... there are a few short scenes still at the empire at the start of the update, after that we switch back the tower for a few updates so things can get in motion there, and the plot after the invasion to the dwarven city.

And then just something for fun. Honestly this was just for fun, didn't need any particular testing or anything, just felt like rendering it. Although I admit, the green fog effect is... interesting. Not what I expected. Mostly positive surprise. Anyway... the change log.

Changelog: ToaM 0.26.0

  • 277 renders

  • Implemented the next part of the story

  • Added things to the codex

  • 1 hidden image

  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Oaiki, OBE, Draco, Gambit, DocWhoJ, MG, Horny Toad, Anon1234)

Release schedule:

  •     $15 Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.

  •     $10 Tier: 30th of October

  •     $5 Tier: 31st of October

  •     $3 Tier: 1st of November

  •     Public: 11th of November

Checksums SHA256:








com.talothral.toam-release.apk (WT)

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Progress 21.02.2025

Hello all! So... rendering. I'm behind from where I want to be, but unfortunately with the set building that is unavoidable. So right no...