Monday, November 11, 2024

Progress 11.11.2024 and Changelog for Tribulations of a Mage 0.27.0

Hello all!

And Monday has arrived once again, and it means... plenty of things, really. So let's get the interesting stuff over, release cycle starts right after this post...

And then not so interesting stuff, maybe. Rendering of 0.28.0 has started shockingly. Writing is... in a good shape, but still in progress. There is a section I rewrote six times because it wasn't flowing like I wanted, and then it was six in the morning and needed some sleep. But it will be finished today and 0.32.0 will start no later than tomorrow, so it isn't an issue. And then a motivational render cause, you know, spoilers...

This one I did yesterday while waiting to wake up. It isn't really that deep as is, just them intruding on creatures' territory. Doesn't necessarily mean it ends in a fight, just slowly backing away from the water. Interesting things in my library... some I've forgotten that existed or had originally other plans but didn't fit in them in the end. Anyway, to the stuff that interest the most, the changelog.

Changelog: ToaM 0.27.0

  • 359 renders
  • Implemented the next part of the story
  • Added things to the codex
  • 1 hidden image
  • A bunch of fixes to things.
    Thanks to for finding stuff that needed fixing: Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Oaiki, OBE, Draco, DocWhoJ, Black Jesus, Foreverusername, Eddie5

Release schedule:

  •     $15 Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.
  •     $10 Tier: 13th of November
  •     $5 Tier: 14th of November
  •     $3 Tier: 15th of November
  •     Public: 25th of November

Checksums SHA256:
5A85DC8AAEBAE7F160B8BF8331031520A56BD52722718D445590FFDF7C7B1DE0 com.talothral.toam-release.apk
C444437D2B55308B05F18C28B2D650363E0EADDB75734C1D50071F7C42906D62 com.talothral.toam-release.apk (WT)

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

Hello all! Amusing, no matter how much you prepare ahead of time, something always goes wrong. Meh... that's life. Anyway. So what's...