Friday, November 15, 2024

Progress 15.11.2024

 Hello all!

Friday and progress post time! So... what's up?

Rendering is going alright all things considered. Had to fight Daz for a few hours yesterday, but the issue is sorted, and I know how to fix it now if it happens again. That and made backups of the required files. But anyway, yeah it's going okay, render count isn't where I would want it to be at the moment, but in relation to the script it's spot on, more or less.

Writing is in decent shape. I have all that I want to write in my head sorted, just need to put it on paper. Not really a problem, as I'm in the mood for writing.

And then... a preview, minor spoiler perhaps. There was a mention of yet another village in the valley, specifically the northern part of it. This is it. The situation at the village is known, so it isn't spoiler as is. And why is Tomas's eyes yellow? Well, they should have been yellow as well around update 5, but the camera angle and darkness didn't show them. It's indication of when he "borrows" Nisha's eyes to enhance his own eyesight. Although, need to remember to hide an owl there somewhere.

And then there is a character portrait. She will make an appreance in this update. Although, there has been one change, unintentional one though. The hair, it was supposed to be silver, but it turned to blue because reasons. It's not a big deal. Just noticed it a bit too late to swap it back. But I do kinda like it. Anyway, short break and more rendering and writing for me! Have a great weekend you all!

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Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

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