Monday, August 23, 2021

Progress 28.08.2021

It was fairly good weekend for productivity, I got lots done. 

So let's tackle writing first, I wanted to be around halfway of day 33 by Monday, and unsurprisingly I'm around halfway through it by Monday. So that's good as I can keep the 4 or 5 days buffer in writing. Although only irritation is that current batch of renders is finished quickly so writing isn't smooth, lots of breaks.

Rendering. I'm on schedule with this one as well, I think anyway, did piles of renders and scene wise I'm also halfway as I should be. At the end things will slow down a bit as I need to do same scene twice because different actors, well one. Luckily it is relatively short scene. And saying that it will be 100 renders each.

Hooray for multiple figure posing... *sigh* I love certain assets, such as those skeletons. What I don't like is that they require their own pose set. They have one basic which is fine for one of renders but sequential renders not so much, there are ways to deal with it but it still slower than applying premade pose. So sorry in advance for any irritating pose issues with them. And funny thing is, I could probably double the amount of skeletons in that render and still be fine resource wise. Just the posing of them gives me nightmares.

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Progress 06.01.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.31.0

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