Monday, July 31, 2023

Progress 31.07.2023

Hello all!

Update 37 is going fine. It's just rendering and minor edits to the text here and there at this stage. And that's about it to tell about it for now. Really short progress post this time, but that's normal considering there is no more writing to do as is for TRS2.

Let's talk about the next one. Tomas, the MC of the next one, will be a bit of an ass towards a certain character at the start. The reason is given, and it is an understandable reason. However, all of that depends on what you choose. And then let's talk about choices. 

There will be more of them. Some are dialogue choices. Some are more important ones that change how certain scenes go. And some... I don't like calling them moral choices, but it has to suffice. Those choices might not seem to do much depending on the scene, but they determine how things play out in the end. The system still needs some tweaking, but working decently. I just need to decide how many variants I want to do with it. Anyway, the writing of the first update is going nicely... it's a bit different than before, but more of that later. And now the preview...

Talking with the UEC again. The choice during this bit is somewhat important regarding how day 39 shapes up.

This is one of the rarer ones. It's... writing aid of sorts. Sometimes I get several ideas, so testing the scene's viability is one way to determine which one I use. This one worked better than the other one.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Public Release: Terminus Reach: Sentinel 2 - Update 35

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord (

 There is a small issue at the end of the update, if Investigator Renaud is dead or she shot the alien you are going to see a scene you are supposed to see. This has been fixed in the build 36. It doesn't affect anything, it's just and extra scene.

Terminus Reach: Sentinel 2 - Update 35
- PC:
- PC Mirror:
- MAC:
- MAC Mirror:

Uncompressed update only:
- From Update 34 to Update 35:
- Mirror:

- PC:
- PC Mirror:
- MAC:
- MAC Mirror:

Compressed update only:
- From Update 34 to Update 35:
- Mirror:

- Android:
- Mirror:

Changelog: Update 36

Changelog: Update 36

  • Day 36 implemented
  • 366 renders
  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, To Begin With, Bread_, OBE, dogwithguns)

And it is finally uploaded. As I mentioned, all patrons will get it at the same time. There is one image fix pending from earlier days, it's fixed I just keep forgetting to copy the image from the development build to the publishing builds. Anyway...

Release schedule:

  • All patrons: As soon as I've verified the links.
  • Public: 13th of August or thereabouts.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Progress 28.07.2023

Hello there!

So update 36 is being uploaded and will be released for all patrons simultaneously once uploaded. Also, I accidentally deleted the update 34 links. Sorry about that. 35 will be public on Sunday.

And now, to the progress, the rendering of 37 is going smoothly. I'm where I'm supposed to be script-wise. So all is good on that front at the moment.

Then the writing. Epilogue has been written. As I've said on Discord, it's 36 pages at the moment. I might add something to it once I'm actually rendering. This means I've started writing the next one, and it's going okay. There are a few slowdowns since I've had to dig up some older material, such as price lists. And then things got weird with it, but nothing new. Anyway, it's at a decent pace at the moment, and hopefully, I have three or four updates writing buffer again.

And that got to hurt. It's getting tougher and tougher to show some things. It eases up once the 36 is out there. Anyway, limiter at work. Since it is made for prisoners, they are discouraged from using their psionics.

It's funny when you write something, and then your... motivation shifts for these renders. I'm more inclined to do anything but fantasy as "motivational" renders. Anyway, still have stuff to test, so... We'll see. Regardless, I wish there would be an easy way to do geometric effects. For that dead tree, I have something. The ground? Not so much. Need to experiment more over the weekend.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Progress 24.07.2023


Hello on this rainy Monday, well, rainy in here.

So what's up? Update 37 is underway, and so far no real issues outside of the usual beginning of the update blues. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do. Starting an update is always a bit... strange.

As for writing, I couldn't finish the epilogue over the weekend. Mostly because I realized I wasn't happy with the interiors I had reserved for it. Thus I spent some time prototyping new interiors. And even though I don't like it much, I need to use the pieces I've used to build the rooms on Sentinel, which does make sense to a point, but it is one of those nagging feelings. Anyway. I have 5 scenes left to write, so about 5 to 7 pages.

But speaking of the epilogue, as it was with Sorcerer, it will take longer to make. I will keep you posted on the progress, as always. Just giving heads up, I'll work as fast as I can, but the renders will take time they'll take. Granted, it is premature, as there are still 3 updates to make before I even start that. Anyway...

And more Kziiri. It is kind of amusing. In TRS1, you relied mostly on Ezan and the Ot'ai. In TRS2, Qivian and the Kziiri have been more involved. This is from update 37.

And a bit of continuation from Friday. This is what I mean by the fog. A lot of time, you can use it to hide things. The thing that bothered me in Friday's render? There was nothing behind the last line of trees, no mountains, more trees, or even clouds. Granted, that was mostly an issue with the sky dome but details. It isn't bad as it is from this camera angle, but it would be a different tale from other angles. But fog layers between the main environment and the backdrop, and one or two behind the backdrop, and you can obscure that there isn't anything there. Obviously, I could add mountains or hills, but that depends on what you want to tell with the render. The fog also adds a certain feeling. You never know where and when the other T-Rex will enter the hunt.

Mistress Lian and Ayaka. I've been returning to this environmental asset several times over these past few days. Not entirely sure why. Luckily, the doors open in the main building, and it has a decent interior area that can be used. So I have a few ideas.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Progress 21.07.2023


Hello all!

So... totally unsurprisingly, update 36 has been handed to testing and proofreading. Thus I'll be writing the epilogue over the weekend. I'm not entirely sure I can finish it this weekend, partially because it is one of those things that are hard to estimate. There are certain scenes that don't require much dialogue as is, but then others? They need to give enough information, so what I think is a simple dialogue before writing might end up being two pages. Anyway... I'll start rendering update 37 on Monday.

At times, I have to remind myself that I'm planning a fantasy game, not a historically "accurate" one. I can be more relaxed about clothing, they don't need to "match" the environment, little things like that. This render was mainly done to stress test my system. I could have added maybe five more characters before running into trouble. Yes, I've rendered with large groups before. But the difference between this and them is that this isn't optimized at all. Normally I'd had to reduce the textures to render this many people, but... not anymore.

The goblin might want to reconsider what he wants for breakfast... Need to add fog to the set between the backdrop and set... good to know.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Progress 17.07.2023


Hello, all on this semi-cloudy Monday!

So, 35 is in the release cycle. It seems that I keep underestimating my net at the moment. But better to underestimate than overestimate in this case.

As for the rendering of 36, it's on schedule. I did a few extra hours over the weekend, so I'm right where I should be.

As for writing? It's going. Realistically there are two outcomes, either you succeed or fail. In the latter case, I don't really need to show it as is. Just do a text while being on somewhere and then fade to black. Maybe. Hopefully, I'll be close to finishing by next Monday. That way, I can write the next one a bit more.

Ikin and his "friends" discussing about something... Probs the last render I'll show of 36. I don't want to spoil the surprises.

Part of what I do alongside testing things is to figure out how to make things that haven't been seen or done before. Iyanda is one of those examples. This? I wanted to see whether I could make the water glow a certain way. Not entirely happy yet, but it is close.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Public Release: Terminus Reach: Sentinel 2 - Update 34

 Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord (

- PC:
- PC Mirror:
- MAC:
- MAC Mirror:

Uncompressed update only:
- From Update 33 to Update 34:
- Mirror:

- PC:
- PC Mirror:
- MAC:
- MAC Mirror:

Compressed update only:
- From Update 33 to Update 34:
- Mirror:

- Android:
- Mirror:

Changelog: Update 35

Changelog: Update 35

  • Day 35 implemented
  • 379 renders
  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, To Begin With, Bread_, dogwithguns)
Yeah, okay, I seem to underestimate my net at the moment. Well, better this way than the other. Anyway... A few of the reported grammar fixes are in the 36 development build. So they are coming soonish.
Release schedule:
  • $15 Tier: As soon as I've verified the links.
  • $10 Tier: 18th of July
  • $5 Tier: 19th of July
  • $3 Tier: 20th of July
  • Public: 30th of July or thereabouts.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Progress 14.07.2023


Hello all!

Man, this week has been a pain in the backside... So how are things going?

Update 35 is being uploaded. The upload is 50% done at the moment, and the goal is on Monday. But if it is up before that, I'll push it out earlier.

As for rendering of update 36, despite multiple interruptions this week, it's more or less where I want it to be, script and render count-wise.

Writing is in a bit of a phase, but it's epilogue writing. It is just attaching certain dialogue to certain variables, and that's about it. A big portion of Sorcerer's epilogue dialogue was written while rendering. Anyhow, once 36 is done, I'll take the usual writing break.

This is... a minor spoiler. The choice in this, and in the previous scene, does have some consequences regarding day 39. Not a game-over event, though.

Man and his panther... Okay, this one is an asset test... mostly for the town behind the characters. I shouldn't be surprised that it is lightweight and mostly usable. Also, note there might be occasional whiteish dots on the panther's fur. Those aren't errors. Not exactly. It is how light behaves with the fur. A piece of hair at the right angle with the light reflects a certain way, creating a white dot. I'll try to fix them when feasible, but it might not be possible in some renders. Sadly didn't have that much time to make more than this one this week, ah well, one of those weeks.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Progress 10.07.2023

Hello good folks! So... What's up?

Rendering update 36. It's... eh. I have to do some hardware maintenance tomorrow, but it means I need to work a bit longer for a few days to catch up. Not that it is an issue.

And on the writing side of things. I'm writing update 40/epilogue. It's... a bit strange update to write. There is a bit that is a direct continuation of update 39. Then followed, but the longish time skip. But it makes sense when seen.

Something from update 36. We get to see Lindsey before she heads to the planet.

Then we follow with two "daily motivational renders." I mostly tried how things worked together in these. Like that ghostly hand there.

And we finish off with fixed Anniversary render, I completely forgot that Lan was supposed to be there. Fixed now!

Friday, July 7, 2023

Progress 07.07.2023


Hello everyone. Right, the progress first.

Update 35 was sent to be tested and proofread. So I'll write the weekend and start rendering update 36 on Monday. Although next week will be annoying since there are a few interruptions early in the week. But, if I recall correctly start of update 36 was relatively easy to render, so I shouldn't fall too badly behind.

Hmmm... yeah, no. I wouldn't worry too much...

And a word before we continue our short story. Tomorrow is a special day of sorts. It's the day I started rendering TRS1... and a year later Sorcerer. So I consider the anniversary of sorts. And thus... I rarely make 4k renders, mostly because I don't have patience for them, but...

Here you go. Could have put one with the TR crew here, but I haven't rendered House of Ward recently. Yes, a couple members are missing, or maybe they are just hiding behind the usual crew... But joking aside, ran out of VRAM to add them, at least in this detail. And now, we return to the short story.

Three ways to banish a demon. Killing them, getting a priest, or using blood magic. Blood magic and necromancy are forbidden arts, yet there are conveniently placed tomes that the masters of the arts leave around for the students to read. Subtly titled "How To Deal With Demons."

But blood magic has a price. It requires blood, either the casters or someone else's...

Monday, July 3, 2023

Progress 03.07.2023

 Why, hello, everyone! New week, new challenges. Hah.

Okay, let's tackle the writing. It's still going. Nothing surprising. It's where I want it to be, about, maybe the half page behind, but it's largely irrelevant.

And as for rendering of 35? Despite the weather being a pain in the backside, it's gone decently well. However! I'll take this opportunity to mention something. There is a slight issue with update 35 if you have deuteranopia. For those who don't know the fancy word, it's red-green color blindness. Toggling on the "Enhanced Visibility" option in the Preferences => Extras might help with the scene. However, that being said, luckily, it isn't actually that crucial scene visually since it's just talking.

A bit more Naelae in this update. There is a choice here that doesn't have direct consequences as is. It is more for epilogue material. And now we continue our short story...

The summoning ritual continues, although the mage stopped channeling magic to it, mainly because the portal to, well... hell keeps feeding magic to it...

Demons can be dealt with, the problem with them is that they want to kill you, and magic requires focusing. And it is hard to focus when someone is actively trying to kill you. Luckily, the angry adult panther jumping on them can give the mage enough time to deal with the portal and the demon.

Progress 17.02.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.34.0

Hello all! Amusing, no matter how much you prepare ahead of time, something always goes wrong. Meh... that's life. Anyway. So what's...