Friday, March 7, 2025

Progress 07.03.2025

Hello all!

Hmm... I might have made a mistake and used too few variables. Annoying. Not entirely sure what I was thinking at that point while coding. Meh. I'll sort it out somehow, if nothing else than a nice questionnaire at the start of 0.36.0. Anyway.

Rendering is going, not entirely happy where I am, but set building, a lot of characters on screen, and some variants tends to slow things down. There is one variant that I'm not happy to render, but it needs to be done, sadly. For Malgrin's "ending" there are three states: one is good, one is bad, and one that is... better, but not that good either. There is fairly little wiggle room with things. I might revisit the thing later on, seeing how it goes with the ending people get. Right now, they are the way I want. Not easy, nor difficulty. And speaking of renders, I have about 30 images to fix for the next version, then just need to convert them.

Writing is where it should be, more or less, so I can't complain. Just hoping the weekend will be good for writing. You can tell that we are heading towards the end. Making all that I want to put in is easy, but the problem is pacing the events and providing just enough information, so it seems to be "realistic" and not at the omnipotent level. The issue is that you have to fill the gaps without opening new plot threads, other way would be doing some time jumps, but that is the last resort. Luckily, there are few that I created intentionally... and a couple unintentional ones that I can use to fill the gaps. Eh could be worse.

And I'll keep this update spoiler free still so a couple random pictures.

Two reasons for this render, to test the environment and the prosthetic arm the lady in green kaftan has, it's kind of... magic? I'll do a better render about it eventually. But for now it's seems useable for what I want. I'm mostly happy with it, the environment is a bit heavy but it is workable. Lightning is... yes well... it's decent for 30 seconds hack job I did. But with that knowledge, I can plan some scenes for the next section that is coming. And the environment is useful for a future job as well...

And then there is this. Our friend is sad because the interdimensional customs confiscated his fishing rod... So sad. I'm bit annoyed that I haven't found a place to hide him in this game, yet. But paired with the render above I might have an idea, just need to wait the right opportunity... Anyway. That's it for this week. Things are going okay, I'll more clear idea on Monday how things will look. You all have a great weekend!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Progress 03.03.2025 and Changelog for ToaM 0.35.0

Hello all!

Ugh... way too early for the brain to function normally. Anyway, as you can see release day... yay.

But beyond that, I started rendering 0.36.0, right with set building. There is a couple sets that needs to built but that's nothing new. So it's going on, there shouldn't be nothing drastic as is, but unexpected things can happen.

And writing of 0.40.0 has started. Granted, it is like two lines, but I started it last night before I decided to that I needed a break. Which did good, so I'll continue it later tonight. Once I wake up that is. So all is good on that front as well. Then to avoid major spoilers, one of the motivational renders ahead.

I enjoy set building. Sure there are annoying things about it, but that's mostly Daz being clunky occasionally. But when things falls into place you can do interesting things with it, and it doesn't take much to change the original something that has never seen before. The original set didn't have the waterfall and the pine trees... or the vines. Replacing the original palm trees with them changed the set from something you see in the south to something more northern. Next step would be add some snow and bit of steam rising from the waterfall. Might do that actually when I get the time. Also of note, some of the things I build and "test" during this time is for the future so who knows when and where the set appears... And then the important stuff.

Changelog: ToaM 0.35.0

  • 297 renders

  • Implemented the next part of the story

  • 1 hidden image

  • Grammar, spelling, and other fixes (Thanks to Adry, Shaddy, BryonSmothers3DX, Bread, Oaiki, Horny Toad, DocWhoJ, Orion, DavidCF, Draco, OBE, Lt_Walke)

Release schedule:

  •     $15 Tier: As soon as the post has had its final touches and links been verified.

  •     $10 Tier: 5th of March

  •     $5 Tier: 6th of March

  •     $3 Tier: 7th of March

  •     Public: 17th of March

Checksums SHA256:

  • CE274019FA322B80F90F86C0563AB51ED34285BEDCE1564E1B13A4D72FF71F39

  • B0B2E87C21F5785D32A1B7873B8EC9E1E5577B4B6D19FCD7720ABEFE1DE8407B

  • 531C4A9A75CD98C7975BC19B2C73A2F8A94CCB4461AE40AD91A481CA59BAAF4C

  • 36B50DA2845921B3303F87F145C577EA94E330D923054A5F69F8417BD50231A6

  • 7EAE06F9CC07DB3253CB5E5FE68C6F5535610075AC23A9D9B2182DE512BAF5CE

  • 337A1F5EF4A9B6DD8DF5D196D6FE2BA21D74A501CCE353DE9FFE8DAA56923484

  • 8E0C71369B7FE4FDCD02A4DA4BB5E01938BDBF9A5A1351F065947D826A0C06FD

  • 536EC39A46B04FE4F4F8BDA7FE97D3D462925606C7356FF276D66239F599C179
    com.talothral.toam-release.apk (WT)

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Public Release: Tribulations of a Mage 0.34.0

Tested and played through it a few times, and all the saves worked. But that doesn't mean things didn't slip by. So, as always, if there are any issues, please report them on Discord if possible. That way, I notice them quicker.

Grammar fixes etc... nothing game breaking as far as I know. And yes, I’m aware of the codex being derpy. Blame Kharmek for it.


PC Compressed


MAC Compressed

Update only

Update only compresseda51b5f1742f118ca53df4e9925417d4f97b963b69b69e0e036a1600cec2e35af


Android WT

Progress 07.03.2025

Hello all! Hmm... I might have made a mistake and used too few variables. Annoying. Not entirely sure what I was thinking at that point whil...